After one of the Enforcement Task Force meetings at the San Francisco airport Marriott, Steve asked if anybody wanted to drive into the city with him. Several of us jumped into his rental car and he took us on a great tour of the city he had once lived in and still loved. I was sitting in the passenger side of the front seat, and I recall letting out an involuntary squeal when the car topped one of those steep hills and the street looked like it was 90 degrees straight down on the other side. I have many good memories of Steve ... some that involved ham radio and some, like the drive through San Francisco, that revealed other sides of his life and character. I'll miss him. 73 - Kay WT3P --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.380 / Virus Database: 213 - Release Date: 7/24/2002