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The spring Development campaign is still in its infancy with $1475 in returns so far. The next campaign will be the Education & Technology Fund campaign. This year's plan calls for a newsletter format to follow the success story of one school and one teacher who reflect the impact of this program. Funding for the Teachers Institute is growing. A renewal commitment of $25,000 has been received. Two other funders are still considering our request. We are eagerly awaiting a decision this week from CNCS on the reallocation request for our Katrina grant. Nearly all of the responses for recognition in the Annual Report from donors who contributed $1000 in 2005 are in. The donors who have given us permission will be listed in the Annual Report, in June QST and on the ARRL website. Formal invitations for the 5th annual Donor Recognition Reception on May 18 in Dayton have been mailed. Arrangements for the event are nearly complete. Media & Public Relations The Hello campaign is definitely off and running. In 10 days we have been asked for almost 10,000 of the brochures - and people are making a point that they are not for hams to pass among hams, but for public presentations. There are already 26 TV/cable requests for the coming video which is not even completed yet - but is expected the 1st week of April. While most people are simply downloading the audio PSA right off the web, there have been 31 radio station related requests for the audio done by Johnny Donovan. In addition, a Spanish audio PSA and three more in English are waiting in the wings for their turn at release. So far specific areas of the country that seem to be doing the most with Hello are the Midwest, Texas, Oklahoma, California but there is no one strong pattern. As of this writing, I am down to my last brochures, but 30k more are expected this week. Some clubs are printing their own from our pdf files. I have been informed that there is a lot of positive chatter on the club reflectors about the campaign and there have been ingenious adaptations of the campaign to meet local situations. There has still been no word on FCC actions. In summary, the first week has been very positive and I await to see if the Amateur Radio community as a whole will act and use the tools and opportunity they have been given. Meanwhile, the annual report is also in progress, and on schedule. "Drop Dead" deadlines for text other than financials and donations is 3/30. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter distributed to 66,693 members on Mar 24. Rick prepared/edited news reports on Logbook of the World adding WAS, BPL chipset maker's demo at ARRL of its interference reduction improvements; FCC enforcement items (plus related story), ARRL petition for change in spread spectrum rules, ARISS school contacts in Ohio and Maryland, "thank you" letter from ISS Commander Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, and several news briefs and announcements. Rick also edited "The Amateur Amateur" Web feature column, interviewed K8EQC regarding a BPL story in Arizona and voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Mar 24. Sales and Marketing The "When All Else Fails" product line was introduced this week to help strengthen the value and service of Amateur Radio in providing emergency communications. This line featuring the popular When All Else Fails logo offers T-shirts, a pin, patch, banner, mug, stickers, magnetic sign and key chain. An email distributed to ARRL members on Friday helped drive peak ordering levels to the online store throughout the weekend bringing in 422 orders totaling $16,670.80 in sales. Two targeted mailings to 100,000 lapsed members are complete and at the printer. We decided to focus the technician mailing (50,000) on the When All Else Fails theme, that is getting a great deal of attention currently with our new product line. The ARRL Emergency Communications Handbook is the free book offer; in addition to other four books that we believe will be of great interest to this target market. To entice a quicker response, we also offered a When All Else Fails window decal for rejoining in 15 days. The fall 2005 campaign to the lapsed General, Advanced & Extra licensees was very successful in offering the ARRL Antenna Book. To follow the saying, if it aint broke we decided to repeat this offer to this group of 50,000 expired members. In addition, for recipients of this mailing that bring their letter to ARRL EXPO 2006, they will receive an additional free gift. We hope that this will give us an opportunity to meet and talk with these hams and do some on-site surveys. In an effort to learn more about prospective hams, their inquiries are now entered onto Siebel using a set of distinct codes to help track the source of the referral or inquiry. In particular, we are interested in referrals generated by the Hello& campaign. A special promotion running through May 1, 2006 was sent to our publication dealers featuring both sizes of TravelPlus for Repeaters"! and the 2006-2007 Repeater Directory. For each order of ten or more TravelPlus copies purchased, they will receive the same number of pocket-sized Repeater Directories free. This mirrors the special offered to individuals, but on a larger quantity scale. Staff contacted Baker & Taylor to conduct a brief audit of all ARRL titles carried to ensure they are carrying all titles possible. In addition, the audit will ensure they have all new product information, availability dates and pricing. A day trip to their New Jersey headquarters is planned for July. Similar audits will be conducted with Barnes & Noble and Ingram Books. Advertising solicitation efforts are complete for the new ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. With the addition of interior advertising we increased revenues by $8440.62, more than doubling the original budgeted amount of $6,400. A solicitation for the 2006 Dayton Passport is complete and will be distributed to prospective advertisers. We produced an ad for ARRL EXPO 2006 and it will appear in the Dayton Hamvention pre-show mailing. Another promotion in the works focuses on When All Else Fails with the goal of introducing publication dealers to this new product line. Advertising solicitations for this years edition of the New Ham Express have begun as well. A new schedule for QST production and delivery was introduced returning QST to an earlier mailing schedule, ensuring delivery to more mailboxes by mid-month (the month previous to the month of publication). Finally, we are very pleased to announce that Amy Hurtado from Newington will join our team on April 10 as ARRL Customer Service Manager. She brings years of experience in customer service, marketing, design and printing and the direct mail industry. Online Courses New graduation certificates, ID cards and stickers are being produced for the EmComm courses, based on new artwork designed for the program. Requests for EmComm Honor Roll certificates continue to come in. On Saturday, Jean personally delivered certificates to SM Betsey Doane for some CT students attending an annual ARES meeting in late April. ON-LINE COURSESRegistrations During this weekGraduationsAntenna Modeling (EC-004)31HF Digital (EC-005)00RFI (EC-006)10VHF/UHF (EC-008)10Antenna Design and Construction (EC-009)11Technician Licensing (EC-010)40Propagation (EC-011)20Analog Electronics (EC-012)00Digital Electronics (EC-013)10Emergency Comm. Level 1 (EC-001)3513Emergency Comm. Level 2 (EC-002)68Emergency Comm. Level 3 (EC-003)613 Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Cards Checked200WAS Certificates (F/C)1A-1 Operator Nominations12VUCC Endorsement Applications11Awards Mailed57 Also, spent a large portion of the week in meetings/training for LoTW/WAS. Processing Status: 4.5 Weeks. For the coming weekA-1 Operator and VUCC awards, WAC QSL card checking, finish the charges for the DXCC plaques then do the data entry for the 70+ plates and send out the orders, continue with LoTW/WAS, and mail out the processed awards. DXCC Branch For the Week of: March 19, 2006Beginning Credits36,138Credits Received9,893Credits Processed12,122Ending Credits33,909 Applications Pending315Processing time4.4 Weeks Year-to-date (2006) Credits Received78,737Credits Returned132,244 DXCC is currently entering credits received on February 28, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on February 22, 2006. Contest Branch Results for the 2005 160-Meter contest arrived from the log checker and the data was prepared, merged and tables sent to the author. The results for the 2006 January VHF Sweepstakes were received from the log checker and the data was prepared, merged and tables sent to the author. The early arrival of the VHF SS data means we are going to be able to move the publication of these results up from the August QST to the July QST, with a web release in May. The results for the 2006 RTTY Roundup were received from the log checker and the data was prepared, merged and tables sent to the author. Certificates for the 2005 September VHF QSO Party were printed, and we will start mailing in the next week. Data entry for paper 2005 International DX CW contest logs was begun. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system95,346,121QSL records have resulted 5,166,529Logs Processed203,662Active Certificates18,168Users registered in the system12,031Hybrids Pending Mail107 QSL Branch There is a 4 day processing time delay. This week, 138 pounds of cards were received from members. The next scheduled shipping date is Friday, April 7 2006. W1AW Joe spoke with two reps from Harris Corporation regarding some technical issues with the Harris exciters currently in use at the station. He also created the texts for the April W1AW Qualifying Runs. He processed and mailed the certificates for the 2005 Frequency Measuring Test. He also prepared a report on making W1AW self-sufficient in terms of internet and telephone access, and one for new antennas for the station. Joe also processed regular QSL card requests. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the first part of the month of April. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams has been proofreading candidate statements for the four Section Manager elections, and the SM election ballot cards are also in preparation. Over 25 new Field Organization appointments have been entered into the data base and initial supplies were also sent. Chuck Skolaut has heard from the FCC about the interfering radar signal on 7230 kHz that we had asked for assistance with. It has been identified, and the problem has been resolved. Another intruder report on the 75 meter CW band appears to be fishermen off the coast of Maine. Work continues in Missouri to identify QRM and foul language being used on several repeaters. Chuck provided assistance to several members wanting information and forms for operating overseas. Research was performed to gather answers to several questions about EchoLink operation. Steve Ewald was part of the monthly Citizen Corps teleconference for its affiliates. Citizen Corps was interested in hearing about ARRLs programs and projects that are oriented toward youth, so Steve supplied plenty of support information. The Section Emergency Coordinators have been discussing (on their reflector) a proposal to make Assistant SEC and Assistant DEC positions an official Field Appointment. Many Sections rely heavily on their assistants and want official recognition for their colleagues. More and more sections are encouraging their ARES leaders and participants and to take the FEMA-sponsored on-line training courses about NIMS (National Incident Management System). Team members have been packing up their offices in preparation for the move to temporary quarters on March 27 so that the F & ES department can be refurbished. ARISS PR: The Bowie (MD) HS ARISS QSO got a ton of media coverage, including stories in the print and Web versions of the Washington Post, a front-page item in the weekly Prince Georges Sentinel, a story on the Prince Georges County community cable channel and on Gazette.net plus at HYPERLINK "http://mymail.arrl.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.spaceref.com/new..." \t "_blank" http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.rss.html?pid=19972. ARISS News Update: The ARISS Team has a new point of contact at NASA Hq, and it is a person we have worked with in past years. We are pleased with this turn of events. ARISS Effect on Students: An Air Force Academy graduate who is now flying fighters, will apply for the astronaut corps. The interesting factoid is that she was a lucky young lady who got to ask a question during a SAREX QSO a few years ago! For ARRL Members: Thanks to Norm Fusaro and Kenneth Ransom at Johnson Space Center, Bill McArthur is nearing his goal of having his WAS QSL cards in hand. Two ham clubs supporting ARISS schools networked with Rosalie about ARISS facts for their media releases. Intl Aspects: Rosalie moderated the monthly ARISS-International Partners teleconference meeting and also prepared the minutes. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer The Kids Day article for June QST was authored and submitted to the editors. Planning continues for the Moorpark meeting April 4th, more media coverage of the schools initiative was reported. The section EC will be in attendance at this meeting. Final preparations for the NSTA conference are complete. Final coordination with the volunteer presenter of the Space in the Classroom presentation at the NYC Science Conference was accomplished, the presentation is March 25th. The rough draft lesson plans and related materials is complete and sent to HQ for review. The parts needed to continue with the ohms law exploration board development did not arrive this week as scheduled. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Dave Sumner 3/31 Washington, DC `` 4/21 Jury Duty Harold Kramer 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Allen Pitts 4/22-4/28 NAB/RTNDA, Las Vegas, NV `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Dave Patton 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Ed Hare 3/30-4/1 IEEE EMC Meeting, Orlando FL `` 4/4 IEEE Long Island Chapter meeting, Greenlawn, NY Scott Gee 3/29 Vacation `` 4/24-4/28 Vacation Wayne Mills 4/20-4/24 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA `` 4/26-5/5 Vacation `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Mary Hobart 4/21-4/23 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention `` 6/9-6/11 Ham Comm, Dallas, TX Bob Inderbitzen 3/30-3/31 AES SuperFest 2006, Milwaukee, WI Steve Ford 4/15-4/22 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 4/10 Vacation `` 4/24 Vacation `` 5/8-5/12 Vacation Jean Wolfgang 4/13-4/17 Vacation Steve Ewald 3/29 Jury Duty `` 4/5-4/10 Vacation/Hurricane Conference Debra Johnson 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Rick Lindquist 4/17-4/21 Vacation Zoe Belliveau 5/5 Vacation `` 5/12 Vacation `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Cathy Stepina 3/30 Vacation Mike Gruber 5/5 Vacation `` 6/5-6/9 Vacation Joel Kleinman 4/4 Vacation `` 4/7-4/10 Vacation Joel Hallas 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Rick Lindquist 4/17-4/21 Vacation `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Joe Carcia 4/21 Vacation `` 5/26 Vacation &'LMNPRSTop§©ÀÈÙÚÛÜè ÷óìåìåìåìåìÚÒìË¿ŽŠ}o}ŠÒd\QhVhVCJaJhVhV5hU:ªh[ãCJaJh« q5B*CJaJph33h[ã5B*CJaJph33hn«h[ãB*CJaJph33h[ãB*CJaJph33h[ã>*B*CJaJph33hhdh[ãCJaJhhdh[ã5CJaJ h[ãCJ\h[ãCJaJhŒ+Šh[ãCJaJh%5\h[ã5\h[ãhJÐh[ã5RSTopÀÚÛÜèé< = k l ÷òòòòòòòòòòòòòòíääääääääää 7$8$H$gdVgdU:ªgd[ã$a$gd[ãï¬ý d e š ® ¯°èé>Aõö÷ . 0 ì(RSÙÚhw øíøíøíøíøíøíøíáíøÖÑÉŸ¶Ÿ®£££££zrdh_Àh4C5CJ\aJh4Ch4C5hU:ªCJaJhU:ªhU:ªCJaJh5'£CJaJh9h5'£6CJ]aJh9h5'£CJaJh5'£h5'£5hZ5=CJaJhZ5=hZ5=CJaJhZ5=hZ5=5 hZ5=5hZ5=hVCJaJhVhV6CJaJhVhVCJaJhVCJaJ%tu[\õö÷ êëì }~qrîðöööööñññññññìììççââÙâââââ Æ(gd4Cgd4CgdU:ªgd5'£gdZ5= 7$8$H$gdV Ž<=]fgrËÌ}~ÏÐ wx|¢MNabø 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