YES, YES, and YES again. How about asking her if she knows what malfeasance and misprision are, while you're at it. It is time to stick it to these people, whose salary we pay, and get some action. Bob Vallio -- W6RGG On 2/9/06, Joel Harrison <w5zn@arrl.org> wrote:
Yesterday, General Counsel Imlay sent an email to Katherine Power at FCC inquiring was to what the Commission's timetable is for addressing theongoing BPL interference problem in Manassas. Specifically, he asked when we might expect the Commission to take some action in this matter.
Ms. Power's response was "*Thank you for your inquiry as to when can you expect to hear from the Commission regarding the complaints filed in the Manassas BPL matter. Please be assured that we are actively working on this matter. However, we do not have a specific date as to when we willtake action. "*
Chris' written email response to Ms. Powers was:
*"Well, Ms. Power, with due respect, the reason I ask is that the Commission's inaction in this case (the cause of which is difficult to understand, frankly; normal power line interference cases involving Amateur Radio are routinely addressed by Commission staff on a far more timely and efficient basis than has this matter) has resulted in the untenable situation in which the Commission has delegated, on a de facto basis, to an interfering Part 15 facility operator the authority to determine unilaterally how much interference Commission licensees should have to accept. Again, with respect, let me suggest that the Commission has an obligation to act on a more timely basis than has been exhibited here.
Surely you must be able to tell me whether these interference complaints will be addressed before the end of this month, this quarter, or this year. If you are unable to do even that, please let me know and we will address our concern about timeliness elsewhere."*
Dave and I have discussed the matter and we have agreed to wait until the middle of next week to see if Ms. Powers will respond further with additional information. If that does not happen, I have given Dave the green light to take this matter to the FCC Inspector General. Chris says he sees no down side to doing so at this point.
73 Joel W5ZN