
It's been some time since we have discussed the matter of redefining some division boundaries.  

Yes, I know just how unpopular this is as a Board topic; it has bubbled up several times during my tenure.   No one wants to do it but to ignore it is to condone a very substantial unfairness in the value of the individual vote of our members.

At the moment, the individual votes in the Dakota Division (all 3241 of them) have 4.6 times the clout of individual votes in the Southeastern Division (all 14,943 of them).

QUESTION 1 - is there anyone on this Board that feels this is fair?

QUESTION 2 - is there anyone on this Board who believes this is acceptable?

QUESTION 3 - is there anyone on this Board willing to admit that s/he doesn't have the [name-your-favorite-vital-body-part]'s to do anything about it?

If anyone answers "yes" to any of these, please present your opinion and arguments to the Board so we can discuss.

So, what ARE we going to do about it ??

1st VP