Thanks Jim. 
One of the problems I have is that the small hamfest is a regular one and they get in early to avoid conflicts.  The newer one jusr came in and did not even consult with the web page re: other events the same day.  I'm just angry.  That will pass.
73/Greg  W7OZ
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Weaver
To: arrl-odv
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 2:06 PM
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:8722] Re: Convention-hamfest date conflicts



To my understanding, the hamfest calendar kept by HQ is a non-controlling tool for hamfest sponsors to use to avoid TROUBLESOME conflicts.  I guess I would not worry too much about a conflict between hamfests in two, separate Sections and I wouldn’t necessarily withhold sanctions for a second hamfest within the same Section.  I would, however, make certain that the sponsor of the conflicting event is aware of the conflict and the impact the conflict may have on them not only from the aspect of attendance, but also as regards vendors.  For example, the “Louisville” Hamfest applied for approval well after the Great Lakes Division Convention was approved.  At one time, the Louisville Hamfest was fairly large and was held (of all places) in Louisville.  It now is quite small and is held some 50 or so miles south of Louisville.  I expect it to have fairly minimal effect on the Division Convention and approved the Hamfest.  Another point of consideration is the fact the day selected for the Convention is the day on which the Louisville Hamfest is usually held.  The Hamfest folks concluded they could not/would not move.


For what it may be worth.


Good luck, 73,



Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division  -  Tel. 513-459-0142

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