Hi all:

FYI, we have an EC meeting scheduled for this Thursday afternoon at 2:00 PM Eastern. See info below. The main item is to discuss the arrangements for the January Board meeting and whether to have an in-person meeting or a virtual meeting.

Rick - K5UR

AGENDA – ARRL Executive Committee Meeting
2:00 PM Eastern October 22, 2020 via Zoom
1. Welcome and consideration of the agenda for the meeting
2. Approval of agenda
3. January Board Meeting arrangements
4. Chief Executive Officer/Secretary's Report
5. FCC Counsel's Report
6. Recognition of new Life Members
7. Other Business
8. Adjournment

-----Original Message-----
From: Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX <cpereira@arrl.org>
To: exec-com <exec-com@arrl.org>
Sent: Mon, Oct 19, 2020 8:15 am
Subject: [exec-com:9651] Executive Committee Meeting

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