Dear Barry:


To the contrary, Bud and I consider you the rose between two thorns.  Welcome home to the Roanoke Division!!  It’s time for you and your family to get acclimated to the joys of Low Country living – shrimp & grits, and an occasional trip to nearby Savannah for a wholesome meal at one of Paula Deen’s restaurants.  And, yes, she does fry donuts in butter for her dishes.


We owe you a debt of gratitude not once, but twice.  As K3RF said, change your phone number.  If you need a caddie for an upcoming golf tournament, I happen to know intimately a Francis Ouimet Caddie Scholar alumnus who’s available, and who can convince you a #2 iron is superior over a #4 wood.  Check into the South Carolina SSB Net sometime,  Until then, heartfelt 73 and thanks.


73 de Bill Morine, N2COP

Vice Director – Roanoke Division

Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia

Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division

ARRL – The National Association for Amateur Radio


From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO)
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 9:28 PM
Cc: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:31001] Re: Thanks to Barry


Thank you everyone for your kind words and for your support through this very challenging time.


As I've said before, it's certainly not what I anticipated when I agreed to take on this position again. No one could have expected what we've all dealt with during the past 8 months.


I believe the Board has made a good decision on the new CEO and only ask that you allow him to do his job. The next few years are critical for the ARRL and changes will be necessary.  The Amateur Radio Service that I encountered when I first joined the organization over 30 years ago is much different than it is today. I know David Minster understands this and has the skills and experience to lead the organization into the future.


As for my immediate future, I plan to learn how to live a new life in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. One I suspect that will be less intense than running the day-to-day operations of the League. I'll go back to being a regular member in the Roanoke Division and possibly be a thorn in Bud and Bill's sides. (Just kidding guys!)


I hope everyone stays healthy and safe. And if you need unsolicited advice, I'll be happy to provide my opinion like every other member. :-)


Thank you again for the opportunity.



Barry, N1VXY


Sent from my Verizon Motorola Smartphone

On Sep 20, 2020 7:36 PM, "Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv" <> wrote:

Hi all:


Today is Barry's last day!


Barry, thanks again for all you have done for the League, it's members, the Board and Headquarter's Staff. Enjoy your retirement - again! We wish you the very best!



Rick - K5UR