See below. This member was wondering if ARRL harvested his personal information related to ARES membership, and sold it to this company so they could spam him with ads for training. I told the member that we safeguard ALL our member's personal information, and that it certainly didn't come from us. That said, I took a look at the ARRL Privacy Policy: http://www.arrl.org/online-privacy-policy. http://www.arrl.org/online-privacy-policy I didn't see anywhere in that long tome where it stated we do not sell personal information to any third parties. (I easily could have missed it....). Do we have a published policy on the sale of member information to third parties? 73; Mike W7VO
---------- Original Message ---------- From: Grant Hopper <kb7wsd@gmail.com> To: Scott Honaker <scott.n7ss@gmail.com>, Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net>, "Mark J. Tharp" <kb7hdx@gmail.com>, WWASM@comcast.net Date: 10/26/2022 4:33 PM Subject: Fwd: Blue Cell Training Discount for ARES volunteers
This is EXACTLY why I get so angry with the way my personal information is so sloppily handled in emergency management and emcomm (not to mention amateur radio) communities. They're not a Washington registered (or foreign, registered in WA) LLC so there's no easy way to hold them accountable for spam.
This specifically targets ARES volunteers so it has to have come from a list that was either sold, or was harvested. If the league actually sold the info, this was a very bad move on their part.
I'm sure I'm not the only one angered by this, but likely only one of few that will take the time to complain since I know all of you.
It's probably something that needs to not only be discussed, but processes need to change to prevent more of this sort of thing.
73, Grant
KB7WSD ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jill Filer <jfiler.tbc@gmail.com mailto:jfiler.tbc@gmail.com > Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 4:24 PM Subject: Blue Cell Training Discount for ARES volunteers To: Jill Filer <jillfiler@thebluecell.com mailto:jillfiler@thebluecell.com >
Hello ARES Volunteers,
I wanted to take a minute and reach out and introduce myself and The Blue Cell. My name is Jill Filer, I am the Internal Sales and Marketing Coordinator for the Blue Cell, LLC. We are an in person and virtual Incident Command System and Consequence Management Training Company. We have been training emergency and consequence managers for 13 years. We have experience across the US in the operational, instructional, and exercise realms and we are the world leader in online trainings and exercises in the Emergency and Consequence Management Disciplines.
We know that Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers are such a valuable part of the team for communication needs during disasters, with community events and so much more! ARES, we see you and recognize just how important you are and the work that you do. We also know that training is imperative so we would like to thank you for all you do and offer ARES volunteers 50% off any of our training courses, use code ARES22 https://thenimsstore.com/discount/ARES22 https://thenimsstore.com/discount/ARES22 .
We offer in person, virtual instructor led, hybrid courses on weekdays and weekends, as well as exercises from our pre developed packages to tabletops, functional, full scale and more.
I am available by email, text or call if you have questions or want to know more! Please share this email with your club members.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jill Filer Internal Sales and Marketing Coordinator The Blue Cell, LLC 970-580-1231
jillfiler@thebluecell.com mailto:jillfiler@thebluecell.com
"The World's most active in-person and virtual Incident Command System and Consequence Management training and exercise company."
To unsubscribe from future solicitations email jillfiler@thebluecell.com mailto:jillfiler@thebluecell.com
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