My condolensces to the family of W3ABC. A side note, a few years ago my stepfather passed away due to heart complications. He was a full-bird Colonel and was buried in Arlington with full military honors. I'd never seen a military funeral, much less one at Arlington. Absolutely awe-inspiring to say the least, despite the circumstances. The meticulous detail and precision. Over 35 men and women to honor a single man from the moment the funeral was complete at the Old Post Chapel, escorted in ceremony on a horse-drawn cason to the gravesite, to the final ceremony at the site with taps and 21 gun salute. I don't want to diminish W3ABC's passing by any means by saying this, but if anyone has the opportunity to see a ceremony with full military honors at Arlington, it's an experience like none other and makes you proud of the final honor our fallen ones receive for service to their country. 73, Brian N5ZGT On Tue, 14 Sep 2010, Kay Craigie wrote:
By his request, W3ABC will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors and a graveside service. There is a three-month waiting period for funerals at Arlington. When I learn the date from Hugh's family, I will pass it along to you. If you would like to pay your respects in the meantime, Hugh's daughter's contact information is as follows:
Karen T. Shangraw 1708 Wickham Way Crofton, MD 21114
73 - Kay N3KN
ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org