
Vol. 25, No. 43
October 28, 2002

Media Relations

The long-awaited PIO Handbook has been posted to the Web at  The PR Committee did an excellent job on the manual and HQ started receiving compliments shortly after the handbook’s debut announcement was made.  Jennifer wrote something up for the ARRL “news crawl,” and a message was sent out to the PR reflector.  Steve Ewald agreed to share the news with the Section Managers and others he has easy access to via one or more reflector groups.

Due to recent demand by some of our public information volunteers, ARRL has gained permission to duplicate and distribute a youth-orientated PSA produced by The San Francisco Chapter of the International Television Association (ITVA) in 2000, a group that has since disbanded. Interest was generated after several postings were made to the PR reflector, and we learned that permission would be granted to ARRL to promote this spot.  Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, arranged to have ARRL contact information added, and we should be receiving the master shortly.  PSAs will be sent out to members upon request.

Connecticut SEC Allen Pitts, W1AGP, was recently interviewed by a reporter from our local NPR radio station. The interview covered the emergency communications drill which took place this past weekend.  Thanks to Joe Carcia for sitting behind the mike at W1AW for a scheduled contact for the reporter’s benefit.

So far, we’ve received four nominations for the 2002 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award.  The deadline is December 27th.  Many of those who requested nomination forms have not yet submitted the complete nomination package.

In the wake of September 11th, it seems that more and more hams are coming to us for information that will help explain the importance of ham radio to local officials.  Jennifer worked with a ham from Utah who wanted to do just that.  She was able to come up with several good pieces of information that could be included in a formal presentation.


We checked printer’s proofs for The ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol 7 QST Technical Editor Stu Cohen, N1SC, met some potential authors at the 28th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference of the Eastern VHF/UHF Society this past weekend.

Membership Services

Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked (Walk-in) 250    
WAS Certs. (150 QSLs Field Checked)     3      
5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs-above)    1      
Extra Class Certificates        66     
Long Term Member Inquiries      4      
Code Proficiency Certs. 4      
Code Proficiency Endorsements   5      
A-1 Operator Nominations        1      
A-1 Operator Certificates       1      
VUCC Initial Applications       4      
Grids (Data Entry)      127    
VUCC Endorsement Applications   3      
Grids (Data Entry)      273    
Foreign WAC Certs. Mailed       34     

Processing Status: Current or within three weeks.  For the coming week-WAS and WAC QSL card checking, RCC, OTC, and Friendship awards, VUCC awards processing and mailing, and mail out Extra Class certificates.

DXCC Branch
Weekly Report   October 27, 2002               
Beginning Cards 245,011
Cards Received  3,874  
Cards Processed 13,246 
Ending Cards    236,539

Applications Pending    2,389  
Processing Time
7.5 Weeks      


Cards Received  675,914
Cards Returned  518,907

QRPs Issued this week   2      
QRPs YTD        246    

DXCC is currently mailing applications received on September 3, 2002.  DXCC is currently entering cards received on September 9, 2002.

QSL Branch
QSL service status: Current.  Cards mailed year to date as of 10/27/2002 - 1,620,515.  No cards were mailed this week.  Heather Dzamba spent 7 hours conducting tours around HQ.

Thanks to Jerry Hill, KH6HU for his operating W1AW in the CQ World Wide Phone DX contest.  Although he only operated for a brief period, he did make 24 contacts, with 5 zones, for a claimed score of 1518.  Joe Carcia updated the web code practice files.  He also began troubleshooting a problem with the Harris Audio Matrix.  Scott Gee worked on fast and slow code practice runs for the latter part of the month of October.  He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.  W1AW telephone sales year to date (2002): $9,744.

Field & Educational Services

Rosalie participated in a VRC telecon and prepared minutes, took part in grants meetings, and discussed ARISS activity with a visiting (Italian) ham who works with the European Space Agency.  Astronaut Peggy Whitson completed a successful ARISS QSO with a Philadelphia school.

Field & Education Support Team
This week Linda Mullally registered 1 schoolteacher and 7 volunteer instructors.  She updated records of 29 clubs, and 3 club reactivations. 

Margie Bourgoin sent paperwork for one new club to the Director/SM for approvals.  She has been working with Jean on compiling the results from JOTA surveys.  Margie is also working with 2 clubs seeking to reactivate after years of no activity reported.

Gail Iannone sent 6 hamfest approval letters and 6 convention approval letters to sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director’s approval for ARRL-sanctioning, 3 initial hamfest and 1 initial convention application packets to clubs requesting ARRL-sanctioning of their events; processed 3 door prize orders, 1 label request and sent 3 handout packages for upcoming events.  She also coordinated travel for Dan Miller as HQ rep to the Mississippi State Convention to be held January 31-February 2, 2003 in Jackson.

Jean Wolfgang has had a very busy week following all of the results of JOTA 2002.  So far she has received more than 85 surveys, showing more than 6,000 scouts and 435 ham radio operators participated in JOTA.  Last year we received only 65 surveys showing just over 4,000 scouts participated.

Mary Lau is working with Ham-Com Chairman Maury Guzick on elements of the 2003 Nat’l Convention to firm up conference space needs and scheduling.  Mary also relayed SM e-messages this week for: MS = 3; EMA =2; WV, ID, NE, NFL, and HUD DIV = 1.

Field Organization/ Public Service Team
Leona Adams sent current and expired Field appointment lists to the SMs via email, and entered three dozen appointments into both the TASS and Siebel systems.  With assistance from Linda and Margie, initial supplies were sent for all, plus 10 OO test packages mailed to SM or OOC-recommended candidates.

Chuck Skolaut submitted a report for the monthly IARU Region 2 Monitoring System newsletter.  Chuck corresponded with a ham who was delighted to have received a "Good Operator Report" issued by an OO.  In response, Chuck and Steve prepared and distributed an e-letter to OOCs reminding them of the potential good will and positive results when OOs acknowledge good on-the-air operating practices. The ham decided to make a donation to the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund! 

Steve Ewald drafted a letter for 1900 Field appointees who haven't yet signed up (on the Members' Only Web Page) to receive e-mailed Section News/Division announcements.  Appointees were reminded to sign up to receive Section News electronically and via their Section Web pages.  ARRL members without Internet access may write to request printed copies of Section News as described in October QST, p. 55.

Amateur Radio Education and Technology Project
Jerry Hill reports that the draft curriculum was sent to the Big Project schools and volunteer reviewers.  Teachers are beginning to use the reflector to network; it's a great way to show others what they are doing in their schools.  Jerry began preparing for the Mass. Science Teachers conference on November 8.  Jerry shared materials with, and sent brochures to, James Kuhl, N2STK, of Central Square Middle School (a Big Project School), who will present a ham radio talk at the New York State Science Teachers Conference.

EmComm Grants
Dan Miller prepared for the all-day ARECC Level l review (sponsored under the UTC grant) at HQ next Saturday.  Instructors for the course are Dave Colter, Level I course revision chief, and Allen Pitts, Conn SEC.  Prior to the review, 138 people had graduated from UTC-sponsored Level l courses.  Dan's Pacificon emcomm grants seminar saw a high level of atttendees -- 33.  He prepared for the CNCS conference in Washington DC; thus far 115 people have graduated from CNCS-sponsored Level l courses. 

Regulatory Information
John Hennessee assisted amateurs with local zoning problems in Davenport, FL (KC4SSN), and West Bend, WI (WB9JPH).  He assisted an amateur with a covenant problem in Nixa, MO (KC0OCP).  John submitted all but three chapters of The FCC Rule Book to Production.  Due to the extent of the changes, the book will be a new Edition rather than a new Printing.  John networked ARRL staff and the Marsh staff that administers the ARRL insurance plans.  Their goal is to enhance their promotional materials and get more insureds.  Chris Imlay reports the CLE Seminar at Pacificon was successful; John helped with coordinate it.

Jerry Ellis set up mentor assignments for CCE courses opening on Monday  -- these include HF Digital and ARECC Level III.  He continued to handle routine emails and phone inquiries, process certificate requests, and he prepared and mailed 75 mentor/student packages (including reimbursement checks) for ARECC Level l graduates.

Howard Robins is looking for more Beta testers for the RFI course.  The Web survey asking what new courses members prefer continues to show we should develop Antennas 101, Radio Propagation, VHF/UHF Beyond the Repeater, and Trouble Shooting.  ISD assisted in setting up on-line course pre-registration to facilitate control of class size and handle a possible increase in registrations because of an ad running in December QST and in the pubs catalog.  Work  is progressing to streamline some CCE processes.


        Mark Wilson, K1RO
        Chief Operating Officer


Staff Absentee List

Name                    Date(s)         Reason

All Staff                       11/28-11/29     Holiday
Dave Sumner             11/1pm-11/3     A&F Committee, Denver, CO
        ``                      11/5pm-11/30    IARU R2 Conference & Administrative Council Meeting, San Marino
Mark Wilson             11/1-11/3       A&F Committee, Denver, CO
Barry Shelley           11/1-11/3       A&F Committee, Denver, CO
Jennifer Hagy           11/25-11/27     Vacation
Brennan Price           11/1-11/3       Georgia Section Convention, Lawrenceville
LouAnn Campanello       10/28-10/31     CNCS Seminar, Washington, DC
Dan Miller              10/29-10/31     CNCS Seminar, Washington DC
      ``                        11/1            Vacation
Mary Hobart             10/28-10/31     CNCS Seminar, Washington DC
       ``                       11/1-11/3       A&F Committee, Denver CO
Rick Lindquist          10/31-11/4      Vacation
Stu Cohen               11/8-11/9       AMSAT Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX
Dennis Motschenbacher   10/28-11/01     So.Cal Sales Trip
           ``                   11/04-11/05     Vacation
            ``                  11/18-11/22     No.Cal Sales Trip
Ed Hare                 11/10-11/16     IEEE C63 “RFI” committee meeting, Baltimore, MD
                        11/18-11/19     TIA T1E1 “VDSL” standards committee meeting,
                                        Atlanta, GA
Bob Inderbitzen         12/6            Vacation
Rosalie White           11/9            VRC Meeting, St Louis, MO
Joel Kleinman           11/8 & 11/12    Vacation
Joe Carcia              10/31pm         Vacation