We made immediate contact with counsel in Washington and they are engaged with us on taking action against the parties involved.
We are relying on their resources because there are multiple parties and they are experienced in noticing and taking action against
such sites.
John Robert Stratton <N5AUS@n5aus.com>
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 10:10 AM
To: arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org; Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org>; Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <dmiddleton@arrl.org>
Cc: k5ur@aol.com
Subject: Trademark Violation — Status of Action Against the Violator
CEO Minster, CFO Middleton
On October 26, 2023 Vice Director Yonally brought to our attention the apparent violation of ARRL trademarks [arrl-odv:35290].
In an email of the same day [arrl-odv:35291] I noted that the misuse of our marks needed to referred immediately to our DC Trademark counsel for action, including the issuance of a cease and desist notice, and possibly enforcement action if an appropriate
response was not forthcoming. Later that day I amended the recommendation to include issuing a take down notice to Namecheap, the hosting ISP for the website used by the vendor [[arrl-odv:35291].
Director Lippert, on the same day, supported the recommended action [arrl-odv:35298].
Please advise as to when and what, if any, action has been taken to address the matter.
John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division
Office: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232