Thanks, I forgot about the 25 year deal...
Looking forward to the VM data.


On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 8:47 AM Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <> wrote:



In response to your questions:

1)  The Life Member 70+ program requires 25 years of membership to be eligible, therefore all 50 members were existing members.  David’s report will have some additional thoughts for this program as we move into 2021.

2)  I do not have any of those statistics for 2020 at my fingertips but will follow up with a statical summary as soon as I can get them through December 31.

3)  We are required to keep our books on an accrual basis, which means that we “estimate” and include the figures for any expenses we are aware of but do not have actual invoices for related to 2020.  This includes Mr. Siddall’s services.  The issues with Mr. Siddall lie in that we don’t have a clear estimate of the figure and that the unknown figure covers an entire year which lead to poor management of a large expense to the organization.








From: Mark J Tharp <>
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 11:26 AM
To: Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <>; arrl-odv <>
Subject: CFO report




I note on page 9 of the report we have had 50 members take advantage of the new life program, do we have any data if they were existing members, new members or if current members how long they were in the system prior to the new membership? (if no that's fine, just curious about who is signing up for this)


On page 1, the VM program is referenced, however I find no data on how the program is working in the field, nor any totals of reports, actions etc. Will RIley be providing a separate document for this or have I just not stumbled upon it? (possible)


And I'll assume we are still waiting for invoicing from Mr. Siddalls office. If that is the case will you be able to post that for CR 2020 or will we have to show that as an expense in 2021 now and potentially have a double than expected amount for CY 2021 if billing ever catches up.



Mark, HDX