All right, looks like we have at least one table occupied, maybe we can can get more. Now, should we make partner pairings so the two Jims are on opposite teams, sort of like a team rivalry? This is beginning to sound very challenging. By the way, if anyone needs to "bone" up on the game, go to www.yahoo.com and click on games. Then find euchre, and you are on your way. They have different levels so go at your pace. 73, Tuck Jim Weaver wrote:
Jim F.,
Now, them's fightin' words, friend! I definitely feel you have greatly besmirched the hallowed name of Purdue by indicating your Euchre-related issues ended when you changed over (pardon me for swearing) "to that school south of Indianapolis."
Looks as though I'll have to make my try at recalling the game a "definite."
Jim Weaver
Tuck Count me in for certain.
Jim Weaver k8je@arrl.org
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