Dick, Don't forget that the merchants bear more of the cost of credit card fraud than do the banks. The credit card companies are too quick to charge merchants back for fraudulent charges even though the credit card companies provide authorization numbers to facilitate the purchases. A growing fraud area for us is 'friendly fraud' (when junior uses Mom's or Dad's credit card) to order product/services on line It is a common reason for credit card companies to charge back the merchant. (It usually is Mom's credit card that is used by junior because her purse hanging on the back of the door or on the kitchen counter with junior knowing where the purse is) We use a very sophisticated fraud prevention system to process customer credit cards used on our company's website. The reduction in credit card fraudulent charges and resulting chargebacks pays for the system. We've been able to get it down one fraudulent person using numerous stolen credit card numbers and identities; this system will allow us to identify and block that fraudster out. - Bill -----Original Message----- ... The banking and credit card industries do not want to talk about this ever-growing problem because of the potential world-wide financial upheaval that could result. So far, the industry is simply absorbing these losses as part of the cost of doing business. However, it is the legitimate card users who ultimately pay this cost. ... - Dick, W9GIG _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org http://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv