If it was indeed, which Jays research shows to be valid, a "back-up" for the current ODV ( or OD in the past) it is apparent that it is not currently being used that way.
A few points,
It is hosted on the domain of
kkn.net. the same as the SW Division website.
Most on the board seem not to remember this being offered, so it must have been quite some time ago.
Dick is the only moderator, or even if he is not, it is being used for something other than a true backup to our normal list.
The board (staff) has no direct control over who is on this ODjr list.
Nothing can, or will prevent communications with other members of the board family outside of ODV. That, to me is sad as the text from the message that was shared the other day sparking this discussion looked to be a good conversation starter with the entire board family, and not just a limited few.
I would suggest, simply, that as the ODjr list is not inclusive of ALL the board family that the board treat it as a non-resource moving forward and forget it exists. I am not in any way condoning the use of ODjr by limited members of the board, but these conversations will, and are going to take place on, or in other formats if not the ODjr list.
To borrow a phrase from Riley,
This is the opinion of a lowly Vice Director.
73, and looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks.
Mark, HDX
Mark J. Tharp, KB7HDX