While we did not have any symptoms from the problem "near...the elevators," I wonder if there was a connection with both elevators breaking down Sunday...hi hi. BTW, we had a number of problems with the hotel including not getting our room cleaned Saturday despite several calls and promises. Nevertheless, if the health issue is solved and we are the only ones that had an unhappy stay, there is a real saving to consider, at least over the other two Marriotts in the Hartford area. 73/Fried(º¿º)character=everything
-----Original Message----- From: Gary Johnston [mailto:ki4la@arrl.org] Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 5:47 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7504] Re: You too ka-choo?
on 7/21/02 8:04 PM, Kay Craigie at wt3p@earthlink.net wrote:
Did anyone else develop head cold type symptoms (cough, sneezing, stuffy head) during our stay at the Marriott and then notice that the symptoms went away a few hours after leaving the hotel? This has happened to me before at some hotels ... for example, during our first several stays at Rocky Hill. I guess it could be particular cleaning products or something used in construction of the building. Just curious. 73 - Kay WT3P
Not a head cold, but general stuffiness and at times, uncontrollable sneezing. I think there was mold in the building (sick building syndrome?). There was a strong damp, moldy odor near the first floor elevators (by the workout room). I mentioned it to a maintenance guy.
73, Gary KI4LA