Ria asked about the 26 year old category earlier this year. Here was my response:
The board vote gives the CEO the discretion to offer full memberships to individuals who have not yet reached the age of 26 a discount of up to 50%.
The decision was taken to implement this change when Personify goes live because it will require some programming and data conversion.
So once Personify is online and running, we can change the parameters around that category of membership. I don’t know why On The Air isn’t mentioned in that text you point out from QST. I will take that back to Becky and find out. I’d also say the list of trademarks listed in that section probably need to be reviewed to ensure alignment with the work VD Famiglio has been doing. Thanks. David From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> On Behalf Of Michael Ritz Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2021 5:07 PM To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:32218] Subscription rates in QST I was looking through my latest (May 2021) QST, and noticed something odd, at least to me. On the bottom of Page 5 there is all the fine print about costs for subscriptions, etc. I noticed the following: "Membership in ARRL, including a 1-year subscription to QST, is available to individuals at $49. Licensed radio amateurs age 21 and under, and the eldest licensee in the household may qualify for the rate of $25 ...... I thought the Board voted to change the 21 old year requirement to 26 years old a few Board meetings ago? Shouldn't it also say "QST or On The Air magazines", since members now have a choice between the two? Maybe the 26 year old requirement was for something else? 73; Mike W7VO