Dear Members of the ODV: Below are the candidates who will run in the 2020 election. Per ARRL Rules and Regulations, I have notified each of the candidates today of the names and callsigns of all candidates running in their division race (timetable attached). Matt Holden K0BBC Dakota Director Vernon "Bill" Lippert AC0W Dakota Director Dale Williams WA8EFK Great Lakes Director Michael Kalter W8CI Great Lakes Director Scott Yonally N8SY Great Lakes Vice Director Jim Hessler K8JH Great Lakes Vice Director Frank Piper KI8GW Great Lakes Vice Director Dave Propper K2DP Midwest Vice Director Lloyd Colston KC5FM Midwest Vice Director Respectfully, [cid:image001.png@01D67A05.34234480]Carla Pereira, KC1HSX Executive Manager ARRL Newington, CT 06111 860-594-0242 http://www.arrl.org/