Vol. 39, No. 33
November 19, 2014 — Covers the period November 9-15.
CEO Office
Since there is not be an IN-Newsletter next week, one quick announcement, the ARRL HQ will be closed on Thursday the 27 and Friday the 28 in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Sending good wishes your way for a safe and happy holiday weekend!
Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD
A Second Century Campaign e-blast solicitation message was sent to 107,000 members on November 13.  To date, this solicitation has yielded $6,350 from 45 donors.  The Development Office is also sending reminders to donors with campaign pledges for 2014.
The Maxim Society stands at 170 members.
End of year campaigns are planned for lapsed Diamond Club donors and the Spectrum Defense Fund, although many contributions come in for other funds as well.  To date, the Diamond Club is at 78 percent of goal, the Spectrum Defense Fund is at 53 percent of goal, and the Education & Technology Fund is at 56 percent of goal.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Yvette Vinci prepared the email notification for the December 2014 digital edition of QST, distributed to ARRL members on Monday, November 10.  The distribution list included 114,607 members.  We are also planning to introduce a “reminder” emailing this month, highlighting “What’s Trending.”  It’s planned for emailing approximately 10-days after the first notification.
Diane Petrilli and Bob Inderbitzen are preparing a draft of a National Amateur Radio Survey to share with the management team for review.  The survey will be administered by Readex Research on ARRL’s behalf—the same firm that completed national market studies for ARRL in 1992 and 2003.  Once the survey is approved, it will be mailed and emailed to US radio amateurs in segments of members, lapsed members, and ‘never’ members.
Jackie Ferriera reports that ARRL has received its first donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of program activity between July 1 and September 30, 2014; $725.  The foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible AmazonSmile items to ARRL—from purchases made by members and friends who have selected American Radio Relay League (ARRL) as their charity of choice.  More information is available at
Bob Inderbitzen dropped in on the student operators at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wireless Assoc. in Worcester, MA during November Sweepstakes—taking in some of the fun.
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa:  
Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums
11/14/2014 715 505
11/7/2014 983 848
10/31/2014 1,217 334
10/24/2014 938 880
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly Official Observer Summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers.  An OO from Oregon resolved a problem in a good manner regarding spurious emissions from a local FM broadcast station interfering with 2 meter operation.  The station engineer was grateful to be informed of the situation as the FAA contacted him later because the problem was causing interference to their local communications as well.
On the intruder front, a report was received from an Illinois station hearing a continuous RTTY signal on 29.450 MHz.  According to the IARU Region 1 monitor it likely was a Datawell buoy near Morocco.  Also new reports have been received of the Russian single letter beacons on 7.039 MHz.  Several questions were received regarding operating overseas and antenna zoning in the US.
Chuck assisted at W1AW by conducting two morning code practice runs and hosting visitors.  Steve Ewald also filled in for W1AW staff by hosting visitors who put W1ĜĜAW on the air.  Field Organization Reports were received from around the country and compiled and submitted to the Production Department for January QST.
Leona Adams reports that Scott Kirstein, NĜOOD, of Ankeny, Iowa, has been nominated to run for Iowa Section Manager for the new term of office starting April 1, 2015.  Arizona Section Manager Robert Spencer, KE8DM, has also been nominated to run for a new term of office starting next April.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff               11/27-11/28     Holiday
All Staff               12/25-12/26     Holiday
Bob Allison             11/26           PTO
     ``                 12/5-12/8       PTO
    ``                  12/17           Jury Duty
     ``                 12/22-12/24     PTO
Steve Capodicasa        11/24-11/26     PTO
      ``                        12/12           PTO
Joe Carcia              12/5            PTO
    ``                  12/12           PTO
Lauren Clarke           11/25-11/26     PTO
     ``                 12/24           PTO
Steve Ewald             11/25-12/5      PTO
Jackie Ferreira         11/21           PTO
     ``                 12/15           PTO
     ``                 12/29-12/31     PTO
Steve Ford              11/24-11/28     PTO
Scott Gee               12/24-12/29     PTO
Dan Henderson   11/24-11/26     PTO
       ``                       12/17-1/6       PTO
Gail Iannone            12/19-1/2       PTO
Debra Johnson           11/24-11/26     PTO
Harold Kramer           12/18-12/29     PTO
Lisa Kustosik           11/24-11/26     PTO
Sean Kutzko             12/12-12/19     PTO
Maryann Macdonald       12/22-12/29     PTO
Diane Petrilli          12/22-12/24     PTO
      ``                        1/26-1/30       PTO
Chuck Skolaut           11/21-12/1      PTO