Friday morning I sent you a copy of the news release that had been prepared for posting on our web site regarding withdrawal of RM-11306. In that email, I stated that we would be posting the story on ARRLWeb at the end of the day. This time was intended to give each of you an opportunity to see it first. While it certainly was not confidential, I did not expect any public distribution until AFTER we first published it on our website. I was quite dismayed to receive a phone call mid-day yesterday advising me that it had already been posted on QRZ.com, thus robbing us of the opportunity to post our news story on our website first. When I sent our plan for the withdrawal to you, I emphasized the importance of ARRL posting the news story first, but obviously someone among us decided to work contrary to that plan. I don't know who forwarded the release, but it was posted on QRZ.com by Don Chester, K4KYV in Tennessee. Again, I did not mark the item confidential and it was our news story, but it was quite disheartening for this to be distributed before we posted it. 73 Joel W5ZN