This memo reports on discussions of the second of two topics I brought before the Pacificon ARRL Forum. There were approximately 150 people in attendance. It was witnessed by six League Board members, who have seen this data before, and have not reported any inaccuracies or shortcomings.

The information is primarily directed to the A&F Committee, where we will be working on next year's plan at the November meeting in Newington. However, it may be of interest to some of the rest of you.

HOA Ham Radio Activity    
As done at a number of forum and club gatherings, I asked the Pacificon ARRL Forum group, "How many of you live in HOA controlled communities?" Of an audience of ~150, 18 were counted.

I then asked, "How many of those 18 that responded yes, are on the air somehow, with HOA permission, indoor antennas, hidden antennas, remote operations, etc?" 16.5 said they were active. The 1/2 was WR5J, who was active from his mobile, and incidentally is is a few of my contest logs.

This question has been asked at other recent events -

                                              HOA    On-air
Pacificon   2022                          18     16.5
W9DXCC 2022                           14     13
Southwestern Yuma 2022          13     13

W9DXCC had approximately 150 attendees, and Yuma 2022, about 120.

This year's questions were also observed by other League Board members.

This high on-the-air percentage of HOA dwelling hams has been constant for years, from both Southwestern Division Conventions, and Quartzfest.

I noted that the ARRL has been unsuccessfully attempting to convince Congress to pass HOA antenna legislation for over 30 years. 

In 18 years on the Board, I have received one single suggestion from a member that he thought the League owed it to the membership to pass this proposed legislation. He has since passed away.


I remain unconvinced that spending significant League assets on future lobbying is either warranted or has any chance of being successful.

I hope this member-response data will be useful in formulating ARRL policies and budgeting, and welcome comments.


Dick, N6AA