Hi, Dave.
Yes, that would be simpler for current members.  Non-members could still use a locator tool.
Marty N6VI
----- Original Message -----
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
To: arrl-odv
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:49 AM
Subject: [arrl-odv:19353] Re:RE: Staff Contact Page

It might be more useful to point members to "View Your Profile" where
their division and section are both shown.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Mileshosky [mailto:n5zgt@swcp.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:46 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:19352] Re: Staff Contact Page

Marty has a good point.  A new member may not know a thing about how
fit in the overall ARRL organization (section and division), unless it's

made explicitly clear to them in their new member packet.  Even then,
prospective members wouldn't know, in case they wanted to contact a SM
Board member for information.

Some way to look up one's section or division via callsign search, zip
code, etc would be a beneficial tool, not considering the IT resources
needed to put those hooks in.

Brian N5ZGT

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010, Marty Woll wrote:

> Hi, Harold.
> Thanks for this info.  It appears too me that the "Find your Division"
link isn't really that; it's "Find the Division leadership if you
already know what Division you're in".  Same for the Secions, although
those are obvious from the names in most cases.  Didn't the old site
have a way to enter your ZIP code and return your Section and Division?
If so, is the same capability available on the new site, and can we put
a link to it on this contact page?
> 73,
> Marty
> Marty Woll N6VI
> Vice-Director, ARRL Southwestern Division
> BCUL 15 & Training Officer, LAFD ACS
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Kramer, Harold, WJ1B
>  To: arrl-odv
>  Cc: arrl-odv@arrl.org
>  Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:13 AM
>  Subject: [arrl-odv:19347] Staff Contact Page
>  Hi,
>  We have now added an HQ Staff Contacts page to the Website.  It can
be found here:
>  You can get to it from the Contact ARRL (email form) page here:
>  There are also call outs on the left side of the page to find your
Section or Division.
>  So that you are all aware of it, I have copied everyone on staff who
is listed on the page along with the Board.
>  Steve Ewald will forward this message to the SM List and Allen Pitts
will forward it on the PR email reflector.  Please feel free to send
this information on to whoever you believe would find it helpful.
>  73,
>  Harold
>  Harold Kramer, WJ1B
>  Chief Operating Officer
>  ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio
>  225 Main Street
>  Newington, CT 06111
>  (860) 594 -0220

ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division
On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org