Vol. 40, No. 40
November 11, 2015 — Covers the period November 1-7.
Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events
LoTW Study Committee
November 13 @ 9:00am – ARRL HQ
Administration & Finance Committee
November 14 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ
Director/Vice Director Elections
November 20 @ 9:00am – ARRL HQ
LoTW Study Committee
January 13 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Administration & Finance Committee
January 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Programs & Services Committee
January 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Annual Board Meeting
January 15-16 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Field Services & Radiosport
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 1 Weeks
Logbook Processing Time 2–4 Business Days
Number of Centennial applications processed:
Centennial Challenge QSO 2754
W1AW/WAS 1959
Joe Carcia created the texts for the November W1AW Qualifying Runs.  He also processed three Qualifying Run certificates and one endorsement.  He processed regular QSL card requests.  He also began to repurpose/repair an Icom IC-M700TY HF transceiver to be used as a supplemental transceiver for MARS/SHARES communications.
Scott Gee processed some VUCC applications and certificates.  He also worked on fast and slow code practice runs texts for the week.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Monitoring Coordinator.  We have received one nomination for the International Humanitarian Award.
Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, San Francisco Section Manager, reported that the FCC Western District Director contacted representatives of the commercial fishing community and explained the licensed and proper use of amateur radio VHF frequencies.
Questions this past week involved the status of very low frequency usage, Technician Class privileges, and one call sign to be used by multiple repeaters.  Complaints involved 14.313 MHz, 3.843 MHz and the WARFA net, bad language being used on 7.200 MHz, and a foreign broadcast station heard on 28.005 MHz.  Chuck also conducted one morning code practice run at W1AW and hosted one guest operator.
Leona Adams received the nomination of Joe Ames, W3JY, to run for a new term of office as the Eastern Pennsylvania Section Manager.  Nominations for this Section Manager election cycle are due at HQ by December 4.  Leona also prepared the nomination notice for the spring, 2016, Section Manager election cycle that will appear in the January and February QSTs.  2015 Simulated Emergency Test reports and monthly Field Organization activity reports are continuing to arrive at Headquarters.
Continuing Education Program Administrator
Larry Wolfgang, Ken Bailey, and Joe Carcia are teaching the Boy Scout “Radio Merit Badge” here at HQ on Saturday November 14. This is part of the Connecticut Rivers Council BSA STEM Merit Badge Day, in which the Council Staff recruits “experts” in various STEM fields to conduct various Scout Merit Badges at their places of business. We have been doing this at ARRL for a number of years.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff                       11/26-11/27     Holiday
All Staff                       12/25           Holiday
Leona Adams             11/25-11/30     PTO
Lauren Clarke           11/25           PTO
      ``                        12/24           PTO
Mike Corey              11/13-11/15     HamJam, Alpharetta, GA
Steve Ewald             11/30-12/8      PTO
Steve Ford              11/20-11/25     PTO
     ``                 12/4            PTO
     ``                 12/11           PTO
     ``                 12/21-12/31     PTO
Dan Henderson           11/23-11/25     PTO
Bob Inderbitzen 11/25           PTO
Debra Johnson           11/16           PTO
      ``                        11/25           PTO
Chuck Skolaut           11/13-11/17     Indiana State Convention, Ft Wayne, IN
Dave Sumner             11/18           Washington, DC