I am chronically late in sending my Executive Committee reports to the full Board, and once again, I apologize for it. Dave Sumner reminded me today that I have not sent the report prepared for the October 1, 2011 EC Meeting out to the Board as I am obligated to do. I will try hard to remember in the future, when it is sent to the EC, to send it to all Board members as well. The latest one is attached to this message.
Please let me know if you have any questions about any entry.
There is only one significant update to this report at the present time: a draft NPRM on the TDMA emission authorization has been prepared by the Mobility Division of the Wireless Bureau, and it is in the process of review by the WTB Front Office. However, Motorola did change their emission designators in their equipment authorization for the MotoTRBO devices in a way that changed some of the regulatory relief we need. They did not solve the problem entirely however. We need to file an amendment to our Petition for Rule Making changing the relief we are asking for due to Moto's changes, and FCC asked us to file it fairly soon. The bottom line is that Moto got rid of the "X" as the second symbol for single slot TDMA from the mobiles and portables, but left the "7" emission designator symbol in for the two-slot TMDA repeaters. So we need to modify the Petition (as well as our Temporary Waiver request) muy pronto. We are working on those items right now.
73, Chris W3KD 

Christopher D. Imlay
Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper. P.C.
14356 Cape May Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011
(301) 384-5525 telephone
(301) 384-6384 facsimile