
Nice move!

I use this app and it is pretty reliable most of the time.


TU ES 73

David A. Norris, K5UZ

Director, Delta Division

ARRL The National Association for Amateur RadioTM

-----Original Message-----
From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Kramer, Harold, WJ1B
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 12:05 PM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>
Cc: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY <sford@arrl.org>; Inderbitzen, Bob, NQ1R <rinderbitzen@arrl.org>
Subject: [arrl-odv:25083] Repeater App Changes



We are discontinuing our iOS and Android Repeater Directory apps in a few weeks.  We have instead entered into an agreement with RFinder (www.rfinder.net) to promote their highly popular online repeater directory as an “ARRL branded” service. Unlike our approach which was based on a single, annual “snapshot” of the ARRL Repeater Directory database, RFinder offers a far superior online and dynamic directory, regularly updated to include new features.


The remainder of this email will be in the form of Questions and Answers to assist you in answering questions from members.


What is RFinder?


From their website:

“The RFinder (RepeaterFinder) Worldwide Repeater Directory is a steadily growing worldwide repeater directory including IRLP, Echolink, AllStar, DStar, MotoTRBO, and even Winlink information.  We currently have over 175 countries in the directory!

Access to the World Wide Repeater Directory is provided by any version of the RFinder smartphone apps on Android, iPhone and iPad/iPod Touch, by subscription for $9.99/year.  The same userid enables access from any version of the RFinder app, our browser interface (web.rfinder.net <http://web.rfinder.net/> ), or through a growing list of third-party memory programming applications such as RTSystems radio programmers <http://www.rtsystemsinc.com/>  and CHIRP open source software <http://chirp.danplanet.com/> .  One subscription, access to world wide repeater data from any computing device!  We will be releasing Windows Phone and Symbian later this year as well as POI data for TomTom and Garmin GPS units.  Again, one subscription, access from anywhere!”


How will the app be branded?

We are still working out the final details, but the app will be promoted as something like “The official ARRL online repeater directory.” ARRL’s logo will appear on the user’s device when they are using the app within the USA.


Why is it ARRL branded only in the USA?

This is because RFinder is the official repeater directory of the RSGB (UK), RAC (Canada), DARC (Germany) and many other national Amateur Radio societies. The branding changes depending on where the device is located. Bob Inderbitzen and I spoke with representatives of RSGB and RAC who had provided us with positive feedback about their relationship with RFinder.


What platforms does it support?

As noted above, RFinder is currently available via any web browser, and apps for iOS and Android devices. 


How much does it cost?

RFinder costs $9.99 for a one-year subscription. Android users can try it for 30 day for free. Users pay RFinder via their app or web service. 

What does ARRL get from this arrangement?

(Not for outside ODV) ARRL gets a percentage of the net revenue after the transaction costs charged to RFinder by the payment processor. Each subscription and renewal of RFinder in the US will support ARRL. 

Will ARRL be sharing any data from the Frequency Coordinators that is currently used in ARRL’s printed Repeater Directory?

The repeater data supplied for the ARRL Repeater Directory database for the upcoming edition of the Directory will NOT be shared with RFinder. The ARRL Repeater Directory database will only be used to publish the printed ARRL Repeater Directory and only participating coordinators and ARRL-authorized personnel will have access to it.


Will ARRL continue to print a Repeater Directory?



What about ARRL’s other Repeater Directory related products?

We are discontinuing the TravelPlus, a CD-ROM, Windows-based program, at the end of the current edition cycle (April). TravelPlus has served the Amateur Radio community well for many years, but customer expectations have changed and TravelPlus no longer sufficiently meets those expectations.


What about the current users of the ARRL Repeater Directory apps?

The current developer of the ARRL Repeater Directory apps is already aware that we will be discontinuing these apps. We are working with the developer and RFinder on a mutually agreeable plan for migrating existing ARRL app users to RFinder. We may, for instance, transfer current activation codes to RFinder to support remaining subscription terms.






Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Chief Operating Officer


ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio®

225 Main Street

Newington CT 06111-1494

Telephone: 860-594-0220

Fax: 860-594-0259

email: hkramer@arrl.org <mailto:hkramer@arrl.org>