Hi all:
This is a reminder that we will have an Executive Committee meeting next Monday, October 24, at 11:00 AM Eastern.
Listed below is the zoom info and the agenda as it stands right now.
Rick – K5UR

Topic: Executive Committee Meeting
Time: Oct 24, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 818 6921 7829
Passcode: 722964
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ARRL Executive Committee Meeting
11:00 AM Eastern October 24, 2022, via Zoom
1.      Welcome and consideration of the agenda for the meeting
2.      Approval of agenda
3.      Chief Executive Officer/Secretary's update

4.      Spending Policy transfer approval– Treasurer Sager and CFO Middleton
5.      FCC Counsel's update and FCC matters
6.      Legislative Advocacy Committee update – Director Stratton

7.      Club Recognition – Peoria-Area Amateur Radio Club (103 yrs Club; 67 yrs ARRL affiliation) – Director Luetzelschwab
8.      Recognition of new Life Members
9.      Other business
10.    Adjournment