Hi all:
The Executive Committee, at Minute 8 of its April, 2018 meeting,
established a process and instructed an ad hoc drafting committee to prepare a
revised Code of Conduct for consideration by the Executive Committee at its
Fall meeting. The Minute reads as follows:
The Committee next moved to a discussion
of the Board’s direction from January 2018 to review the ARRL Policy on Board
Governance and Conduct of Members of the Board of Directors and Vice Directors.
Discussion focused on a redline draft of edits of the current policy provided
by Mr. Imlay, and a template of a Code of Conduct from the National Council of
Non-profits brought to the Executive Committee by International Affairs
Vice-President Bellows in mid-April 2018. It was the consensus of the Executive
Committee that a combination of these documents could be appropriate for use by
ARRL. However, the Executive Committee noted this would require
additional time to properly prepare, review and circulate, and for the
Executive Committee to properly discuss and approve beyond that which is
available pursuant to Minute 47 of the January Board meeting. It was therefore
decided that an ad hoc committee consisting of Mr. Norris, Mr. Bellows, Mr.
Imlay and Mr. Raisbeck would draft a proposal, to be presented at the fall Executive
Committee meeting and thereafter to the Board of Directors.
The drafting group has worked diligently toward preparing the
revised document since that time. There developed a disagreement within the
drafting group, however, as to how much, if any, of the current Code of Conduct
should be included in the revised document. That lack of clarity has recently
resulted in a plan to present two different documents to the Executive
Committee for its consideration at its scheduled Fall meeting. One of those two
drafts is not yet complete and it is unlikely that it will be completed by the
time of the Board meeting. The drafting group collectively feels strongly that
both draft documents should be submitted together to the Executive Committee for
its discussion and guidance. The entire drafting group supported this approach.
Just wanted to fill everyone in on this important task. I ask for
everyone's patience and understanding while the group continues their work.
I also want to thank the drafting group for their hard work on
what has proven to be a challenging effort.
Rick - K5UR