Yes, but as it is it's own document, #26, I'm just curious as to why it could not be posted along side the other reports. As Carla stated, it is a new committee (well, a year old now) and as such she had no directive to post that report.

I was asked where our report was, and could not find it for the member to read and that is what started this discussion, and my question.


Mark, HDX

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 7:10 PM Kermit Carlson <> wrote:
Hello Mark

   The ARISS report was received in the A&F Committee and as
such is not reported in the minutes of the meeting.

                         73, Kermit W9XA

On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 2:46:45 PM CST, Mark J Tharp <> wrote:

Or, perhaps they are listed in another place.

I don't find the ARISS report, HF Band planning report, Legal Structure review report, or Legislative Advocacy committee report available to members.

They are all behind the ODV firewall, but not listed like all the others.

Mark, HDX

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