Was up until 2 AM a couple nights, working on projects before leaving for Dayton. Turned the radio on to 3840, and heard W6OBB and entourage, using and talking about their higher-fidelity audio, which appears to use 3.6 kHz of bandwidth. The wider-band audio did sound better than conventional-bandwidth SSB. It does appear unlikely that they are in contention for any Nobel prizes in physics, but on a positive note, they appeared to be actively experimenting, as opposed to discussing the Dodgers and their own arthritis. The 75-meter band was almost unused otherwise. I see no reason why they shouldn't be permitted to continue with their operation. I certainly can't justify requesting the federal government to spend taxpayer money to curtail it. I don't believe I have ever listened to W6OBB's radio show, don't believe I have ever met or conversed with W6OBB, and have no positive things to say about his purported belief in alien invasions from other worlds. When the bands are crowded, use of wideband audio might be out of place. Most of the time, it seems acceptable. Consequently, I can't see why we need to restrict bandwidth to 3 kHz. 73, Dick, N6AA