The Life Member opt-in emails omits those people who are Maxim Society or who have already designated their account to be digital delivery. There is a strange bug they’re trying to shake out now: I can’t imagine why anyone would feel they need to go back to the page multiple times, but in some cases it says they’re receiving On The Air when they’re not. We couldn’t recreate it but used support calls from yesterday to send to the programmer to figure out why it is doing that! David From: Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 12:21 PM To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> Subject: Notice to life members. I got a call about an email that must have went to life members about opting in for QST? I can not find it, and don't see it in the junk mail. Could the system have filtered ODV out of the mailing or something? Thanks. Mark, HDX