The idea of the summary is a good one. State legislatures use the same concept for ballot questions, however it has been abused somewhat. But if we don’t abuse it and be truthful as to what our motions are I’m all for it. Ria N2RJ On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:11 PM <hopengarten@post.harvard.edu> wrote:
To the Board:
I attach a concept paper that reflects ideas discussed yesterday, Friday, outside of the Board meeting. This is NOT A MOTION, nor do I anticipate it will become a motion until further discussion has occurred, including consideration by the Administration and Finance Committee, and Staff (so as to consider how we may handle comments from the membership).
You will note that I am a strong believer in providing examples, hoping that some examples will survive into the ultimate document so that new Board members will have an idea of Board expectations.
Comments and edits welcome anytime.
*Fred Hopengarten, Esq. K1VR *
*Six Willarch Road <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Willarch+Road+Lincoln,+MA+01773?entry=gmail&source=g>*
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*781.259.0088, k1vr@arrl.org <k1vr@arrl.org>*
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