At 07:17 PM 7/4/2018, Niswander, Rick wrote:
The CEO Search Committee (N2ZZ, K5RAV, K7GM, W9XA, and K0GW) met by phone
the week of June 4, June 18, and on July 3 to review applicants, identify
the CEO finalists, and discuss further process matters. Rather than
develop a new and untried process, the committee chose to follow the same
process previously used for recruiting candidates and identifying one to
recommend to the Board.
We received a total of 46 applications by the requested date of 5/31
(none were received after). The Committee made an initial screening
and reduced the group to 10 candidates who were interviewed individually
by phone by two committee members selected at random. After the
5/14 meeting I informed ODV that we had selected 9 candidates for phone
interviews. We added one individual for a phone interview from
applicants that came in between our 5/14 call and the call the week of
June 4.
The Committee has identified three high quality candidates who will be
interviewed face-to-face by the entire committee before the Board
meeting. All three individuals are able to meet the interview
The Committee will provide the Directors with one individual who will
then attend the Thursday evening reception and dinner and will interact
with Directors and others at that time.
Earlier today, Tom Frenaye inquired about the process to be
followed. Tom asked “Has the plan been firmed up?” The answer
is “yes; completely.” Tom also asked whether Directors could meet
and speak with each candidate. The Committee respectfully
declines. Let me explain why.
- The time to consider modification of the process was at the January
Board meeting or the month or two that followed, not two weeks before the
July Board meeting. The candidates have all been invited,
scheduled, and advised of the process. All the arrangements for the
interviews are already in place.
There was no plan communicated to the Board from the Committee's creation
until mid-April. I've highlighted some
portions below in red. Until July 4th you had not indicated
only one candidate would be presented. My message on July 3
was timely in asking for more details and had suggestions for how the
final portion of the process should work.
In March [OD-3458] you said,
In the next couple of weeks, the Search Committee
(K5RAV, N2ZZ, W9XA, K0GW, K7GM) will provide
a more-detailed time schedule as well as operational
In April [ODV-27166] you said,
The intent of the CEOSC is to provide
finalists to the Directors at or around the July meeting.
- The Committee members will review the application materials and will
winnow the applications down to those who will undergo telephone
interviews. We expect this process to be complete approximately the
first week of June. Recall that the preferred application deadline
is May 31. That is not a hard close, so if applications are
received after that date we can consider them as appropriate.
- Remaining applicants will undergo telephone interviews by Committee
members. Each applicant will be randomly assigned two Committee
members who will arrange to independently call the applicant and conduct
a phone interview. While alternative mechanisms such as Skype are
possible, it is important to treat each remaining applicant in a
consistent manner. The Committee will consider using Skype (or
similar) only in the event that all remaining applicants and all
Committee members can utilize the same technology.
- After the phone interviews, the Committee will meet by phone to
identify the finalists. While the number will be dependent on the
remaining pool, the Committee is anticipating that
there will be approximately three finalists. We expect this phase of the
process will be completed by about the end of June.
- The timing and process of the final phase is a
bit more uncertain as it depends on the finalists, their availability,
and their relative strengths/weaknesses. At this time, the plan is
for the Committee to arrive in Hartford early in the week of the July
Board meeting to conduct face-to-face interviews with the remaining
candidates. After further deliberations, the Committee would
present one or more candidates to the Directors for consideration at the
July Board meeting.
In May [ODV-27241[ you said:
- The committee reviewed the 39 resumes and selected 9 individuals,
each to be interviewed by telephone by two members of the
committee. Those interviews should occur over the next three weeks
or so depending on schedules.
- The committee will meet by phone again the week of June 4 to (a)
review additional resumes and (b) to discuss results of the telephone
interviews as of that date. The review of the additional resumes
may or may not result in additional telephone interviews being conducted.
- The committee will meet again by telephone the week of June 18 to
discuss the results of all the telephone interviews and to select the 2-4
individuals who will be interviewed in person. The in-person
interviews will likely occur during the week of the July Board meeting,
but could occur earlier.
In July [ODV-27312] you said:
- The CEO Search Committee (N2ZZ, K5RAV,
K7GM, W9XA, and K0GW) met by phone the week of June
4, June 18, and on July 3 to review applicants, identify the CEO
finalists, and discuss further process matters. Rather than develop
a new and untried process, the committee chose to follow the same process
previously used for recruiting candidates and identifying one to
recommend to the Board.
- We received a total of 46 applications by the requested date of 5/31
(none were received after). The Committee made an initial screening
and reduced the group to 10 candidates who were interviewed individually
by phone by two committee members selected at random. After the
5/14 meeting I informed ODV that we had selected 9 candidates for phone
interviews. We added one individual for a phone interview from
applicants that came in between our 5/14 call and the call the week of
June 4.
- The Committee has identified three high quality
candidates who will be interviewed face-to-face by the entire
committee before the Board meeting. All three individuals are able
to meet the interview schedule.
- The Committee will provide the Directors with
one individual who will then attend the Thursday evening reception and
dinner and will interact with Directors and others at that time.
This was the first and only time (July 4th) the Committee has
indicated that only one individual would be presented to the Board.
- The Committee has been formed to do a job on behalf of the
Board. The Committee has spent many, many hours evaluating
candidates, on Committee phone calls and calls with potential candidates,
and comparing and contrasting candidates. This evaluation has been
done, and will continue to be done, in conformance with applicable HR
practices and rules.
Agree that you've done a good job so far as far as I can
tell. But, the motion to establish this
committee did not delegate the job of selecting a CEO to the
Committee, it delegated the job of establishing the job
description and methodology, conducting the search and narrowing down the
candidates to finalists for presentation to the Board.
Only the Directors can SELECT the CEO. In order to do that, I
want to know information about the top three candidates, as well as your
recommendation, as we did in 2016.
Excerpt from July 2013 Minute 30 creating the previous CEO Search
- The CEO Candidate Screening Committee shall recommend a minimum of
three (3) CEO candidates at a special or regular ARRL Board of Directors
meeting for discussion of their qualifications and election of one of
them to the office of ARRL Chief Executive Officer.
Until July 4th, everything the Committee communicated suggested that
you were going to provide the Board with information on several
- In accordance with the Board motion establishing the Committee, the
Committee was “…formed to identify a candidate for the CEO for Board
election.” [Item 27 from the minutes of the January 2018 Board
- We are using the same process as was used for the selection of Tom
Gallagher. The process has been set forth in this email and prior
emails and we are doing what we said we would do. We believe we
have three very good candidates and the organization will be well served
by the individual selected.
But it isn't the same, process as I've noted above.
Based on arrival dates it appears that in-person interviews for the three
finalists will be conducted on Wednesday, July 18th. Will the
three candidates be available for Directors to talk to then or during the
following day?
In addition, I would like to have the names/calls of the ten people who
were interviewed by telephone, the common questions that were asked of
each one, and the resumes of the three finalists to be interviewed in
It appears that a week from tonight the plan is to have a grand unveiling
of one selected candidate. Is there really a good reason for
keeping nine Directors in the dark about the first and second level
finalists? I'd like to do some of my own homework on
candidates. If for some reason the Board does not agree with
your selection, we will lose the opportunity to talk to the other
finalists or even to be able to compare their backgrounds and
qualifications before making a decision.
I don't think that's asking too much now that we're down to one week
before the Board meeting. I don't want to have less than 24 hours
to make a decision and I have no information as of today..
-- Tom
e-mail: ARRL New England Division
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: