Following up on the subject of division newsletters that was raised under "Any other business" Saturday afternoon, here are the default settings for email subscriptions for new ARRL members: [ ] Temporarily disable all automatically sent email [X] Notification of ARRL membership expiration [X] Notification of license expiration [X] Notification of monthly digital edition of QST [X] The ARRL email newsletter, The ARRL Letter [ ] ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest newsletter) [ ] The ARES E-Letter (monthly public service and emergency communications news) [ ] The ARRL Club News (monthly club news) [ ] ARRL Instructor/Teacher E-Letter [ ] The IARU E-Letter (International Amateur Radio Union news) [X] News and information from your Division Director and Section Manager (Note: Some Divisions/Sections may not send notices.) [ ] Publication Announcements and Special offers [ ] ARRL Legislative Update [ ] ARRL Board meeting agendas and minutes W1AW bulletins [ ]General/Special [ ]DX [ ]Propagation [ ]Satellite [ ]Keplerian As you can see, new members are opted into receiving division and section newsletters. They can opt out by unchecking the box. So, the question that the Programs & Services Committee should discuss is how to encourage members who are not already receiving the newsletters to opt into doing so. 73, Dave K1ZZ