Just FYI, here is the link from Allen Pitts for the W1AW tour video that was presented live a few weeks ago.  The video tour is located  on the bottom of the W1AW web page.

(The guy who did the opening voice over is not a professional, but he was nearby and works cheap!)






Harold Kramer, WJ1B

ARRL Chief Operating Officer

860 594 0220


Subject: [pr:11970] W1AW tour recording


With thanks to Al Petrunti, KA1TCH, Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, and Geoff Fox, K1GF, I am happy to share that the recording of the Feb 12, 2012 live webcast tour of W1AW is now available for viewing at  


(The HD file of the tour, in .wmv format, is available for download at  )


Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Media & PR Manager

ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio

225 Main St.  Newington, CT 06111

(860) 594-0328