A local club in my division has started this challenge. Others in other divisions may want to join in. Basically it’s on air activity to keep people active while social distancing is in effect Ria N2RJ ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Scara K2DLL <sparksfromthespa@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 11:55 AM Subject: announcing the Corona Challange To: Hello all, I know that you are sitting at home with time on your hands. In order to help you out,SCARA has created the Corona Challange to help you while away the time. The ultimate Social Distancing happens via ham radio. Every QSO will be guaranteed to be in excess of the recommended 6 feet.. Just get on the air. I have attached a copy of the rules for you to download and keep, but here they are.: Corona Challenge - On Air Operating Event 2020 *Purpose:* to encourage ALL licensed Amateurs to get on the air and become more active while practicing “Social Distancing” or “Self-Quarantine” during the State of Emergency. *DATES:* March 22 2020 thru the end of the State of Emergency in Saratoga County, NY *Suggested Frequencies:* Any Amateur Bands and Repeaters *Modes:* SSB, AM, FM, DMR, C4FM, D-Star, CW, RTTY, FT8, FT4, SSTV, basically any over the air mode used by Amateurs *Exchange: * Call sign, signal report, *Logging:* Date, Time, Band, Mode, Call sign, Signal report, State for WAS, *Optional : Name and QTH* *Scoring:* SSB, AM FM (voice) 1 point each CW and Digital (Excluding Digital Voice) 2 points each Only count a QSO’s with a station once per band and mode QSO’s made on a net are not to be included. *Bonus Points:* Making a 2 way QSO on a mode or band that you have never used before 100 points. Non Licensed Household member make a QSO 200 points (Follow third party traffic laws) Work All States 300 points DXCC 500 Points *Total Score: * Total QSO points plus any bonus points *Entry:* Electronic logs for submission with over 50 QSO’s , prefer ADIF format or excel. Email your logs and summary sheet to KG2H@ARRL.NET or bring your log to the first club meeting after the state of emergency *Awards: *Certificates and TBD *MISC: *WAS application form is available at Http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Awards/ARRL_WAS_APPLICATION_FORM_-_2019_July.pdf DXCC Country List http://www.arrl.org/files/file/DXCC/2020%20Current_Deleted.txt N1MM+ logging program https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/