-----Original Message-----
From: Weaver, Jim K8JE (DIR, GL)
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 12:40 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:9272] Re: Ham Radio PAC?Chris,
Thanks. I interpret what you have said relates only to ARRL as a 501c3 organization, only. Thinking more broadly (clearly not in terms of ARRL as defined by statutes) we ought to be able, if we wish, to set up a separate PAC organization (is it 501.c.4?) and indirectly (even directly?) control it, though, couldn’t we?
Another question I have is: Just how far can we go toward PACism without jeopardizing our 501.c.3? Handing out money would not be possible, but what is?
Jim W.
Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division
k8je@arrl.org - Tel. 513-459-0142
ARRL -- The reason Amateur Radio is!
GREAT LAKES DIVISION CONVENTION, September 6, 2003: See http://greatlakes.arrl.org