Just an update from WRC07.
The silence doesn’t mean our IARU team is asleep or
not doing anything. As you know, WRC’s are very long ordeals and most of the
decisions aren’t developed, or come to consensus, until the end with is
still two weeks away.
We are continuing to work toward our goal of a worldwide
primary allocation for the Amateur Service from 7.2 to 7.3 MHz and also to
acquire a recognized allocation at 5 MHz and 136 KHz internationally.
These are all long shots for the Amateur Radio Service and
difficult battles to fight and it is way too early to even predict what the
outcome will be. We, of course, as a minimum want to maintain the allocation we
have here in the
Dave reported previously on IARU President Larry Price, W4RA.
Larry is doing very well and was scheduled to possibly be released from the
hospital in
I’ll have more, or Dave will provide additional info,
as things develop.
73 Joel W5ZN