

I met with Howard and the appropriate staff this morning. Normally, we try and make sure that important and/or newsworthy items are routed to the Board first, prior to public dissemination.


In the case of this message, it was sent in error. These messages are routine, monthly updates for the users of the new ARES Connect system for managing volunteers, intended to be nothing more than user “hints” to help them navigate the system. Normally, this would not rise to the level of Board notification in my opinion. The message sent was a very early draft and had not been edited by Field Organization management. It was not intended to be sent. We will review the training for the HQ staff that have access to the messaging function within the system.


Going forward, we also intend to provide training for the ARES Connect users regarding the handling of and access to personal information of the volunteers within their areas/groups. In addition, the staff is reaching out to Volunteer Hub (the software vendor) with a couple of proposed enhancements to make the identification of errors easier.



Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY


ARRL, Inc.

The national association for Amateur Radio


(860) 594-0212




From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Sarratt, Greg, W4OZK
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 11:53 AM
To: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:27647] Fw: Update for ARES Connect




Can the board be informed before or copied when e-mails like this especially when concerning a potential new ARRL program gets sent out so we have knowledge when the field ask questions? The security issue is concerning.




Greg Sarratt, W4OZK


----- Forwarded Message -----
To: Greg Sarratt <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 7:14 PM
Subject: Fw: Update for ARES Connect


As discussed.


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Bailey,Ken, K1FUG <>

To: >

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018, 3:48:03 PM EDT

Subject: Update for ARES Connect


Section Managers,


Please see the attachment for the latest update to ARES Connect


73,  Ken


Ken Bailey, K1FUG

Emergency Preparedness Assistant

Continuing Education Program Administrator


ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

Telephone: (860) 594-0227

Fax: (860) 594-0259
