We just sent this to the SMs, our next group of beta testers for digital QST. We also encourage all ODV members to check out the March issue of QST here: www.arrl.org/new-qst or you can click the identical link in the email below.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
ARRL Chief Operating Officer
860 594 0220
From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 2:24 PM
To: smlist
Cc: Glass, Katie, KB1ULQ; Kramer, Harold, WJ1B
Subject: Digital QST Beta Testing
Hello, Section Managers.
I’m forwarding a message from Katie Glass, KB1ULQ, Digital Content Manager, about testing the new digital QST.
Thank you for your attention and help.
Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™
To: ARRL Section Managers
RE: Digital QST Beta Testing
We would like to include you, ARRL’s Section Managers, as a group of beta testers for the March edition of the new digital QST. You will find a link to the new QST web page in the Section Managers Only pages of the ARRL web site, or you can go directly to www.arrl.org/new-qst. Please make sure you are logged in to the web site to view the page and to get access to the digital edition.
Please send any feedback to digitalQST@arrl.org, or you can send it directly to Steve Ewald, sewald@arrl.org
Thank you for taking the time to go through the digital QST. Please do not re-distribute this link, only SMs are official beta testers.
Katie Glass, KB1ULQ
Digital Content Manager