Dear Directors and Officers, This problem has an easy solution. Please transition your account to Microsoft 365. If you need assistance please submit a support ticket and IT will arrange a time to assist you. Per our Director of IT: The Fix: The answer to this is for everyone to send and receive directly to and from your arrl.org email. Just like any business expects its folks to use the system provided, we need to have everyone directly connect to Microsoft 365 (This is all run by Microsoft). It is very simple to switch to this approach (instead of forwarding your email). Most mail clients are designed to handle multiple accounts. You can send mail from your official ARRL.ORG email address and your personal or work email all in the same mail client. You can keep ARRL email in a separate folder or intermix the inbox with other email from other systems. Responding to an email sent to your arrl.org address will automatically respond from your arrl.org account with an ARRL Signature line. Our Helpdesk team can guide you through setting this direct connection up in a quick call. If you would like, we will do all the heavy lifting for you! It is also very simple to add direct arrl.org access to your mobile device as well. We can help with that too. We have already worked with many board members to do this, and they seem to all like the flexibility and no longer have problems. You will also gain access to our Microsoft 365 Groups folders (to see archives of messages) where many of our email reflector groups have moved to. In addition, as you will be sending email from within our mail system, you can submit support tickets directly to our helpdesk at support@arrl.org<mailto:support@arrl.org>. Most of you receive reflector email not only at your arrl.org address but also directly at your personal email so I suspect you are still able to see the reflector emails but I’m sure you are growing tired of seeing the bounced email messages that are sent to your inbox. Let’s clean this up and get you directly on arrl.org email and then you can stop see those bounced email messages! Sorry for the long message. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to do this. I will set you up with our helpdesk. 73 S Steve Berry, N1EZ Director of Information Technology From: Kristen McIntyre <kristen@alum.mit.edu> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 9:20 PM To: Walls, Brent, N9BA (VD, CD) <n9ba@arrl.org>; Norton, Richard N6AA (Dir, SW) <richardjnorton@yahoo.com> Cc: McIntyre, Kristen, K6WX (Dir, PD) <kristen@alum.mit.edu>; arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org <arrl-odv@arrl.org>; k5ur@aol.com; Vallio, Bob, W6RGG (2nd VP) <rbvallio@gmail.com>; vze18vwgu@verizon.net; Stafford, Rod, W6ROD (Intl Affairs VP) <w6rod@comcast.net>; davek3zj@gmail.com; Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (VD, AD) <rbfamiglio@verizon.net>; carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com; Lippert, Vernon "Bill", AC0W (Dir, DK) <ac0wmoo11@gmail.com>; Norris, David, K5UZ (Dir, DL) <david.norris.k5uz@gmail.com>; Williams, Dale, WA8EFK (Dir, GL) <dale.wms1@frontier.com>; Nomar Vizcarrondo <np4h@aol.com>; Zygielbaum, Art, K0AIZ (D,MW) (Mail User) <aiz@ctwsoft.com>; Fred Kemmerer <fkemmerer@anita-fred.net>; w7vo@comcast.net; Boehner, James, N2ZZ (Dir,RK) <jboehner01@yahoo.com>; Ryan, Jeff, K0RM (Dir, RM) <k0rm@comcast.net>; fishflorida@gmail.com; Stratton, John, N5AUS (Dir, WG) <n5aus@n5aus.com>; David Minster <dminster@gmail.com>; Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <dmiddleton@arrl.org> Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:34913] ODV Email Failure Former ISP owner here. I would add that Yahoo is one of the worst offenders when it comes to flaky email delivery, for both protocol reasons and unknown reasons. I run a mailman list server at home for a few friends and orgs, and it’s a constant battle with Yahoo. I always recommend that people migrate away from them. The only one worse is anything associated with the former PacBell (pacbell.net, sbcglobal.net, etc). Gmail used to accept most anything, but as of about 9 months ago rejects direct email that doesn’t have proper DMARC / DKIM / SPF records<https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/email-security/dmarc-dkim-spf/>. It will pass list server mail (forged by definition), but not with 100% certainty. As Brent says, all of the ISPs and mail services are tightening filters up to discourage and filter spam. Using an email forwarder is a recipe for disappointment at some point. As has been mentioned before, MIT gave up on this years ago and gives alums an O365 account now. ARRL does this for us on the Board. I highly recommend you take advantage of it. On Jun 22, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Walls, Brent, N9BA (VD, CD) <n9ba@arrl.org<mailto:n9ba@arrl.org>> wrote: Dick- You can access the reflector including the archives by using your favorite web browser to navigate to https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv. The reflector has a web interface that organizes all ODV messages by month and year. You may not have known about this wonderful tool. I can speak with a certain level of knowledge working full time in the technology field specializing in cybersecurity. A lot of e-mail providers including the web based (gmail, aol, yahoo) are starting to implement more robust e-mail protections to slow down messages with malicious intent. Glancing at the membership of ODV, it appears several of the members of ODV are not using the arrl.org<http://arrl.org/> mailbox including yourself. It is highly likely that an e-mail protection in place by yahoo is slowing or denying the messages coming from the email reflector. I am sure David or Diane can have Mr. Berry validate my educated guess. I have been using the arrl.org<http://arrl.org/> mailbox since joining the board family and haven’t missed the receipt of a single message. I would highly recommend everyone at least subscribe with their arrl.org<http://arrl.org/> mailbox. 73, Brent N9BA From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org<mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org>> on behalf of Richard Norton via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org<mailto:arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>> Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 6:21 PM To: arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org<mailto:arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> <arrl-odv@arrl.org<mailto:arrl-odv@arrl.org>>, k5ur@aol.com<mailto:k5ur@aol.com> <k5ur@aol.com<mailto:k5ur@aol.com>>, Vallio, Bob, W6RGG (2nd VP) <rbvallio@gmail.com<mailto:rbvallio@gmail.com>>, vze18vwgu@verizon.net<mailto:vze18vwgu@verizon.net> <vze18vwgu@verizon.net<mailto:vze18vwgu@verizon.net>>, Stafford, Rod, W6ROD (Intl Affairs VP) <w6rod@comcast.net<mailto:w6rod@comcast.net>>, davek3zj@gmail.com<mailto:davek3zj@gmail.com> <davek3zj@gmail.com<mailto:davek3zj@gmail.com>>, Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (VD, AD) <rbfamiglio@verizon.net<mailto:rbfamiglio@verizon.net>>, carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com<mailto:carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com><carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com<mailto:carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com>>, Lippert, Vernon "Bill", AC0W (Dir, DK) <ac0wmoo11@gmail.com<mailto:ac0wmoo11@gmail.com>>, Norris, David, K5UZ (Dir, DL) <david.norris.k5uz@gmail.com<mailto:david.norris.k5uz@gmail.com>>, Williams, Dale, WA8EFK (Dir, GL) <dale.wms1@frontier.com<mailto:dale.wms1@frontier.com>>, Nomar Vizcarrondo <np4h@aol.com<mailto:np4h@aol.com>>, Zygielbaum, Art, K0AIZ (D,MW) (Mail User) <aiz@ctwsoft.com<mailto:aiz@ctwsoft.com>>, Fred Kemmerer <fkemmerer@anita-fred.net<mailto:fkemmerer@anita-fred.net>>, w7vo@comcast.net<mailto:w7vo@comcast.net><w7vo@comcast.net<mailto:w7vo@comcast.net>>, McIntyre, Kristen, K6WX (Dir, PD) <kristen@alum.mit.edu<mailto:kristen@alum.mit.edu>>, Boehner, James, N2ZZ (Dir,RK) <jboehner01@yahoo.com<mailto:jboehner01@yahoo.com>>, Ryan, Jeff, K0RM (Dir, RM) <k0rm@comcast.net<mailto:k0rm@comcast.net>>, fishflorida@gmail.com<mailto:fishflorida@gmail.com> <fishflorida@gmail.com<mailto:fishflorida@gmail.com>>, Stratton, John, N5AUS (Dir, WG) <n5aus@n5aus.com<mailto:n5aus@n5aus.com>>, David Minster <dminster@gmail.com<mailto:dminster@gmail.com>>, Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <dmiddleton@arrl.org<mailto:dmiddleton@arrl.org>> Subject: [arrl-odv:34912] ODV Email Failure Yesterday, I called an ARRL Director to discuss a recent message I had sent to ODV on the previous day. The other Director had not received it. I had been wondering what was wrong with my own email settings, as I have not been seeing the messages I have posted to ODV. Further investigation has shown that I have not been receiving ODV messages for some time. I have not received 34865, 34878, 34884, 34886, 34887, 34888, 34889, 34890, 34891, 34892, 34893, 34894, 34895, 34, 896, 34897, 34898, 34899, 34900, 34901, 34902, 34903, 34904, 34905, 34906, 34907, 34908, 34909, and any number above 34910. I have not been receiving A&F Committee messages either, as well as mail from other committees. Obviously this is not a problem exclusive to me. Note that one of the messages I sent to ODV recently was about arrl.net<http://arrl.net/> problems. This is likely to be part of the same issue, that was apparently never addressed I believe it is staff's responsibility to provide adequate communication for the Board. They have failed to do so. There is apparently some problem caused by ARRL addresses being designated as spam sources by some ISP's. It is management and staff's obligation to attend to these issues. It is not a Director's responsibility to solve these problems. We have paid staff to do so. However, I suggest using Director's home email addresses for ODV and other email reflectors rather than CALLSIGN@arrl.org<mailto:CALLSIGN@arrl.org>, or anything to do with ARRL.org<http://arrl.org/>. Also, there should be some place on the arrl.org<http://arrl.org/> web-site where ODV and other reflector emails are available for view by the Board members. I also hope that some method can be found to rectify the problem and provide those of us who have not seen ODV and committee emails to view them. .73, Dick Norton, N6AA _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org<mailto:arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv -Kristen (K6WX) "Your eyes ... it's a day's work just looking into them" Laurie Anderson (--... ...-- -.. . -.- -.... .-- -..-)