Dear ODV –
Today the following e-mail was sent to all staff. In an effort to keep the staff as healthy as possible we have begun to have members of our staff who are capable start working from home. It may take several days to get everyone who can
work from home access but we are moving forward with the CT Governor’s request to have as many employees work from home as possible. We expect to have at least half of the staff working from home by early next week to help limit the number of staff at HQ.
While private voicemail messages may instruct the caller to e-mail the staffer, currently our customer service group is answering all calls as normal. At this time all operations at HQ are functioning, although there may be a slight delay as staff adjusts
to the new routine.
Barry and I are continuing to monitor the situation and ready to adapt as necessary.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Diane Middleton, W2DLM
Chief Financial Officer
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio ®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594-0225
From: Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO)
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 3:50 PM
To: HQ Staff <>
Subject: ARRL's Staffing Plan
Dear Staff,
As you all know the Governor has asked as many companies who have staff that can work from home to do so. Barry and I have been working on a plan that balances that request with our resources, the need to keep our business open, and the
need of our staff to keep working and getting paid.
Our goal is to help reduce the chance of transmission of the virus by reducing the number of staff in the building while keeping the organization functioning. Effective tomorrow all volunteers have been asked to stay home until further
notice. In the meantime, the IT staff has been ramping up our capabilities to provide remote access to as many employees as possible. In order to gain remote access, your position will have to be viewed as being able to be done remotely by management and
you will need full time access to a suitable computer. IT will work individually with each employee who is identified as a possible work from home candidate to confirm if they have a suitable computer. Unfortunately, we do not have enough “loaner” computers
to provide computers to employees who do not have equipment that meets the requirements.
The Managers have already been working with Barry and I to determine who may be a candidate for remote access. The Managers will be communicating with you over the next few days as to how you and your departments will be impacted.
Currently, we are not shutting down or limiting operations. However, if you are uncomfortable working in the building and are not a candidate for remote access, please discuss this with your Manager. No one will be cited for attendance/performance
issues on next year’s review for wanting to stay home during this unprecedented time.
As a reminder, if you are not feeling well, please stay home until you are certain you are not contagious and are feeling back to 100% in consideration for others.
Pay – Questions & Answers
As long as you are working, you will be paid whether it be at home or in the office.
ARRL will advance PTO accruals to employees through the December 1, 2020 accrual. When you return to work, your accruals will be paid back as you earn them.
If you are not working, you will be paid out of your PTO time balance until you have returned to work or have used up the balance. If your balance becomes zero, ARRL will advance PTO accruals to you through the
December 1, 2020 accrual. When you return to work, your accruals will be paid back as you earn them.
Should time extend beyond the PTO advance, the employee will be furloughed and eligible to collect unemployment.
No. All PTO time will be paid before an employee is unpaid or furloughed.
Employees who choose to stay at home will be considered self- quarantined. See question 1.
No one will lose their health insurance coverage. You will be responsible for the employee’s portion of the premium no later than when you are recalled back to work.
Yes, you will be paid out of your PTO time balance until you have returned to work or have used up the balance. If your balance becomes zero, ARRL will advance PTO accruals to you through the December 1, 2020 accrual.
When you return to work, your accruals will be paid back as you earn them.
Our payroll system is a web-based system and we will do everything we can to keep payroll running. Unfortunately, if your check is not directly deposited, it may be delayed. I encourage you to sign up for direct deposit
if you are not currently enrolled.
We will do our best to answer any questions as they arise. Our goal is to keep as many employees healthy, productive and paid as long as possible. Working together we will get through these unusual times.
Diane Middleton, W2DLM
Chief Financial Officer
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio ®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594-0225