I apologize for the delay in responding but things have been a little hectic the past several days.
The ARRL VEC, with support from our IT Department, has been working with the developer of the Exam Tools software, to use the software to create files in the proper format for
direct uploading into our system as well as directly to the FCC without any additional data input from ARRL staff. We are very close to going live with his with the VE teams that want to use the technology.
We currently have about 30 teams trained to conduct remote video exam sessions with that number slowly growing each week. However, remote sessions are still a bit time consuming,
labor intensive, and require VEs to be tech savvy and meet system requirements. A number of teams don’t want to take on this endeavor or cannot because they lack the technological tools. Those are still administering in-person exams adhering to their respective
local protocols.
As you would suspect, FCC license activity is significantly lower than last year at this time due to the pandemic. License numbers have not been this low since the mid-2000’s,
nearly 15 years ago. In addition, activity is also being impacted by social distancing protocols and because most VEs fall into the at-risk category. They are being cautious about restarting in-person testing in many areas.
Barry, N1VXY
From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org>
On Behalf Of Michael Ritz
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 6:38 PM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>
Subject: [arrl-odv:30742] VE Update?
This question is directed at Barry, but I'll take answers from anybody who might know the answer: Has there been any progress on updates to our VE process;
ie: virtual or otherwise? I've had several members ask me recently and don't have a clue how to answer the question, other than "we're still working on it".