8 Jul
8 Jul
2:56 p.m.
Greetings, Five stations in Arkansas will be operating as W1AW/5 this weekend during the IARU contest. W5ZN will be hosting the 80 meter and 15 meter SSB station. WB5IGF, K5XK and I will be manning the rigs, so look around for us. We'll be down below 3800 on 80 and somewhere between 21200 and 21300 on 15. The other host stations will be: K5GO - 80 - 10 CW WD5R - 160 SSB/CW K5UZ - 20 SSB K5EJ - 40 SSB W5RZ - 10 SSB C U in the contest and what I hope will also be the pileups ! 73 Joel W5ZN