Questions: 1) Do we really need another award? Is the ARRL President's Award not prestigious enough or is Representative Widen below the threshold of qualifiaction for the existing award? 2) Will detailed reasons for granting the award be announced? Will the award be granted for prodding the FCC into granting W100AW? Will an announcement be made that we understand the legislator is working on a scheme to extend PRB-1? Is it likely that the award would be granted before any substantive progress is made on that front? 3) Would there be any potential adverse reaction from the FCC? ... or are we emphasizing that we have a a heavyweight friend on our side? 4) Are we aware that there already is a Barry Goldwater Amateur Radio Award? It is granted by the Radio Club of America, an organization that proclaims itself to be "the oldest, most prestigious assembly of radio communications professionals." They appear to have a reasonable ham presence. Has the ARRL coordinated with them? ... or are they too small to be concerned about? See page xxv of http://www.radioclubofamerica.org/images/proceedings%20index%20complete%20in... 73, Dick, N6AA On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <dsumner@arrl.org> wrote:
All Directors:
At its March 29, 2014 meeting the Executive Committee took the following action:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- On motion of Mr. Isely, it was voted to propose to the Board the creation of the Barry M. Goldwater, K7UGA, Achievement Award to recognize outstanding support of Amateur Radio by an elected federal official. Mr. Isely and Mr. Lisenco agreed to develop proposed terms of reference by the end of April for circulation to the Executive Committee. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The background is that the EC sees a need for the ARRL to have a means to recognize outstanding support by elected federal officials. The first proposed recipient is likely to be Greg Walden, W7EQI, although that is not a part of the proposal to establish the award. The terms of the award reserve for the Board the determination of who should receive it, which will be a later step.
There is a possibility that Congressman Walden will accept the invitation we have extended to attend the Centennial National Convention in Hartford, in which case a presentation at that event would be highly appropriate.
The Executive Committee estimated the cost of a “really nice plaque” to be about $100. That’s a bit low, but the fact that it might actually be about three times that amount should not discourage you from approving the award. It would be a high-class problem if we found ourselves giving out very many of them.
The following resolution is offered for Board consideration in accordance with Article 6 of the Articles of Association:
Resolved, that the Senator Barry M. Goldwater K7UGA Achievement Award is hereby established with the following terms of reference:
The Senator Barry M. Goldwater K7UGA Achievement Award
The American Radio Relay League Board of Directors establishes The Senator Barry M. Goldwater K7UGA Achievement Award to recognize exceptional service to the United
States Amateur Radio Service and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) by an elected Federal official.
This award may be made by the ARRL Board of Directors from time to time to an individual who has distinguished himself or herself in accordance with the following ideals:
1. Exceptionally notable contributions to the United States Amateur Radio Service and the ARRL; and
2. Whose efforts have contributed to the health and vitality of Amateur Radio; and
3. Whose actions have, in a significant way, supported the well-being and continuity of the United States Amateur Radio Service; and
4. Whose efforts have helped promote the principles, standards and goals of the ARRL.
The recipient need not be a licensed Amateur Radio operator.
Those awarded The Senator Barry M. Goldwater K7UGA Achievement Award shall be presented with a suitable plaque commemorating the award.
Every effort should be made to arrange a well-publicized, in-person, award event.
David Sumner, K1ZZ
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