on 6/28/02 3:12 PM, Fried Heyn(3rd VP) at lucky@surfpage.com wrote:
In an attempt to make the most of the pending removal of the Section News from QST, let us consider adding a Field Organization column or even a volunteers-in-action section. Since public service (ARES, etc.) would be included, it could be a replacement/expansion of the Public Service column. Surely, an additional page or so could be spared from the six pages gained from the loss of Section News. The new column should be used to entertain, report, educate, recruit, promote, recognize, etc. Think of the possibilities!
We are not just a membership organization but, in large part, a volunteer organization of which the FO is of great importance. As it has been pointed out by several of you, taking part of the organization out of QST diminishes what we are all about. As Amateur Radio becomes more diversified, it is harder to unify. QST is one good way we have in overcoming this division.
In our effort to ³move ahead,² let us not miss an opportunity to improve QST for the betterment of Amateur Radio. Part of selling Amateur Radio is promoting the value of having fun while serving our fellowman.
Fried et al. As I wrote the other day, I think this would be a very reasonable compromise.
I do like the idea of making the type size in QST larger and publishing the section news in 4-5 contiguous page summary form (a la RSGB and no intervening ads), and referring the reader to the web page for details.
I really agree with your statement that the "new column should be used to entertain, report, educate, recruit, promote, recognize, etc. Think of the possibilities!" Indeed. Placing a new, attractive, well placed, well writtne, informative column on activities in the various sections is a good idea. It is time. 73, Gary