Phew! Great. I can add this to my “fake news” column in the Hudson Division newsletter.


On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 7:18 PM Michel, Howard, WB2ITX (CEO) <> wrote:
Hi Ria,

I was just about to send this to ODV...  CQ is wrong.

It seems CQ missed the following on Page 71, which applies to the
Amateur Vanity section:

SEC. 9. [47 U.S.C. 159] REGULATORY FEES. This section is no longer is
effect as it has been amended by RAY BAUM’S Act of 2018, Title I, FCC
Reauthorization, Public Law No. 115-141, § 102, 132 Stat. 348, 1082-86
(2018) (codified at 47 U.S.C. §§ 159, 159A).

I can't take credit for finding it - it was sent to me by Dave Sumner
after he read the CQ piece...

73, Howard, WB2ITX

On 05/14/2019 7:16 PM, wrote:
> ODV - (and particularly EC since this may be on your agenda next week)
> It looks like the FCC wants to enact a $7 fee for vanity callsigns per
> the FY19 fiscal proposal (MD 19-105).
> See here, page 73:
> What is our position on this? I would assume opposed since this would
> mean $70 every renewal which may be a financial burden on some hams.
> Some may even choose between ARRL membership and the vanity fee. In my
> former home country when the new regulator enacted the fee of TT$100
> (~$14.75 USD) per year for amateur licenses (a more than ten fold
> increase) many simply opted out of membership in the national society,
> TTARS whose dues were also TT$100 annually.
> It’s also unclear whether this is for new or existing licenses. Since
> it’s annual it seems to be for existing.
> Generally I don’t oppose a small one time fee for each new vanity
> application as it cuts down on frivolous applications or attempts to
> game the system to lock up desirable calls in limbo. But $70 every
> renewal or even one time seems excessive.
> 73
> Ria, N2RJ

Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX
Chief Executive Officer
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA
Telephone: +1 860-594-0404