Tom, Our major problem is that our Grassroots effort has yet to get off the ground. Our Grassroots ODV and its associated reflector for those (Directors, Vice-Directors, Division Legislative Action Chairs, and Legislative Action Coordinators has still not been set up almost a year after I asked for it as a key part of the program. First it was a server problem in that we could not start a reflector as we were unable to add more names to the crippled server. Then staff was not allocated to set up the area. Harold assures me that we will be operational by June 10. But it took too damn long! Had that vital ODV area been made functional as late as February 2005 we would now be well on our way and not playing catch up as we are now. We would have already had this discussion and been well ahead on visits and e-mail counts. And, yes, I am not happy about this! Frank...N2FF....... Tom Frenaye wrote:
At 08:09 AM 5/27/2005, you wrote:
Kay wrote: "Also, I just looked at Division e-mail bulletins issued in the last month and found that 5 Divisions have done bulletins mentioning H.Res. 230. The resolution was introduced a month ago. Is there a conclusion to be drawn from this? (Though I did not read all the Section bulletins, a spot check showed several SM's have put something out on the subject.)"
Coy wrote:
You don't have the whole story. You do not have access to our grassroots network nor do you have access to our grassroots reflector.
I'd find it useful to know more about how other Directors are approaching grassroots efforts in their Divisions. Seems like we're all working in isolation. ** I think that's a fundamental problem with our grassroots effort [something we need to address during the rest of this year]. **
For example, here's some info from my (small) efforts. I sent a Director's e-mail out a couple of weeks ago. It urged members to write to their Congressmen and ask for their support on HRes 230. Looks like it went to about 5000 NE Division members (just over half). I only received about 20 direct responses. Zach at Chwat & Co indicated he'd received copies of about a dozen letters.
I specifically asked for people who knew the Congressmen (two of them) on the Tier I/II lists to contact me. Turns out my list from Chwat was incomplete - one key Congressman wasn't listed. I did hear from members in each of the three districts who knew their Congressmen and am trying to make sure that personal visits or contacts with the Congressmen or their key staff members will happen soon.
I have not appointed the Division Legislative Action Chair (or any others) yet, I still need to figure out who has the right knowledge and the willingness to work on the effort.
What works for you so far?
-- Tom
===== e-mail: k1ki@arrl.org ARRL New England Division Director http://www.arrl.org/ Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444