Mickey et al,

Sure glad that you and Dave are on the board.  It is always good to have those with experience in the Field Organizaiton.

I too was glad that I had an early flight out.  The bird had about 4 inches of ice and snow on it when we boarded but it came right off when they de-iced it.  Chicago was clear and I made it home fine.  I was amazed to see what happens when snow falls on the Great Lakes.  It was pretty neat.

Take care and I'm sure I'll see you down the road.

Coy Day, N5OK
20685 SW 29
Union City, OK 73090

mcoxk5mc wrote:
ARRL Board Members,
I just wanted to thank everyone for the very warm welcome each one of you extended to David K5UZ and me last week. Both David and I found this new experience quite enjoyable and we're looking forward to serving on the Board for many years.
Dave (K1ZZ), please pass along my appreciation to all the folks at HQ for their hospitality as well.
73, Mickey K5MC
P.S. It is a pleasant 51 degrees in north LA at the moment!