Greg,  I think your thought represents thinking that was outmoded with the advent or the byte -- or something like this. 

Jim Weaver K8JE
Sent from my I-Phone

On Oct 6, 2012, at 4:24 PM, G Widin <> wrote:

Shouldn't the changeover of the journal occur with the April issue?
         Greg, K0GW

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Bill Edgar <> wrote:
And they say one picture says a thousand words...   <ic_list_big_grin.png>

Brian Mileshosky <> wrote:

Greg --

The EC met in Denver last weekend and thought we'd change the scope of the organization in anticipation of the future. As time marches forward the ease of using higher and higher spectrum gets easier. As a forward looking organization we are skipping this GHz business and leading the way to the efficient and effective use of THz spectrum. Our member journal must reflect this as well, to include THz receivers that go "click" when their PTT button is depressed. 

Or something like that. 

Brian N5ZGT

Sent from iPhone

On Oct 6, 2012, at 12:50 PM, "Greg Sarratt" <> wrote:

I received a nice copy of Digital PhotoPro magazine in a first class ARRL envelope today??  Was this supposed to be QST?



Greg Sarratt, W4OZK


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Greg Widin, K0GW
ARRL Dakota Division Director
ARRL--of, by and for the Radio Amateur

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