I have just sent to John Chwat a letter to Rep. King, who introduced H.R. 607, explaining the ARRL's objections to his bill in its present form. I'd like to thank Chris and Dave for working very hard with me to make the letter complete, accurate, forceful, and courteous. This letter will be hand-carried to Rep. King's office. If you'd like a copy of the letter, please let me know. Because AMSAT also has a dog in this fight, I have just written to the president of AMSAT, providing him with our press release on H.R. 607 and a copy of our sample letter for members. I hope AMSAT will jump on this issue as assertively as we have. They have a lot of money invested in spacecraft that would become unusable under this bill. Let's don't forget about weak signal operations, either. If you have members who are active in weak signal work on this band, please make sure they are aware of what's going on. 73 - Kay N3KN